December 27, 2010 e-mail
It was great to be able to talk to you on Christmas! I was glad to hear that you all had a great Christmas! I was also glad to hear that Gma and Gpa are doing well. My Christmas was good.....different..but good. :) We ended up eating a lot and just visiting with people.
So how do you like e-mailing on an i-pad? I bet it's pretty sweet!
You asked about how the work went over Christmas week dad. As far as tracting and ITL-ing it wasn't way productive because half the people we talked to weren't even from Kansas so we just left them with a card and invited them to contact the missionaries when they went home. However, we did find one man that let us in and we were able to teach him. He accepted to be baptized but didn't end up coming to church. We did have a really productive week though overall. In fact the ZL's called us this morning to congratulate us on a great week. They said "Man, what are you guys doing out there? You are tearing it up! Keep up the great work!". So that was nice to hear.
The family of four that I was telling you about all came to church and are still set for their baptism on the 2nd of January. We're so excited.
The mission has been giving baptism a HUGE focus! In fact the first lesson we teach now is not the restoration. We go in and teach all about baptism and then ask them if they would like those blessings in their life. Then we extend a date for them to be baptized on. Its way cool! Basically all of my 'new years resolutions' are focused on helping me become a better, harder working, more spirit filled missionary because that's how I'll bless others the most and forget about myself.
Man, I loved your Christmas present dad! Good job Emma! Those drawings are really impressive. You have quite the talent.
Well....I better get running. I will be sending a short letter today or tomorrow but we only have a two hour P-day today. So the real letter will be written on Friday or Saturday. Holidays mess with our schedule like no other!
Well, I love you all!
Have a happy new year!
Until 2011.....
Love Elder Cryer
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
December 20, 2010 e-mail
Merry Christmas!!!
I thought I better get that in before anything else since I won't be e-mailing again before Christmas. Can you believe that?! I don't know about you but Christmas really snuck up on me this year. I can't believe its here already! I'm excited though...I love Christmas. So far we don't really have any set plans for Christmas...just some rough plans. We will be going to a few families homes to play some games and drink hot chocolate and stuff which will be fun. We still need to find somewhere where we can call home from. We may end up calling from the Woods...where we called home on Mothers day. We'll see. It should be a fun day.
I did get the package that you sent me! Thanks so much!!! I opened it to see if there were any perishables and then found that you had wrapped all my presents...dang it! ;) So I had to exercise all my self control and not open any of them. I get to do that in just a few days!
We just had our Christmas conference as a zone. It was really good. Today we have a zone wide Christmas party at the Segers. (The stake president's house) There are going to be about fourty of us missionaries! Big crowd! Right before the party our district is getting together and doing a bowling activity since it's our P-day. Lots of activities and parties this time of the year. It's a fun time and a busy time.
On Saturday the Ulysses ward had a Christmas party and we were able to get some investigators there which was awesome. Then we did a quick church tour with them. They really enjoyed it.
Last night we went over to an investigators home for dinner and then after dinner we helped them build a ginger-bread house. It was lots of fun.
Well we still have not seen snow, well there was a very little flurry the other night as we were driving back from Christmas conference but nothing to speak of, but everyone says that we'll have a white Christmas. I'm not so sure. It's been cold enough....just not wet enough.
So do you all have any big plans for Christmas day? What are the missionaries there doing?
Oh, funny fact. So I was thinking the other day and realized that if I stay here for three more transfers then not only will I have been here a year, but I will also make three of my four phone calls home from Ulysses! How crazy would that be!?!?!?! I think it would be awesome. Chances are slim but maybe President Pfile just forgot about me! ;) Maybe I'll be here forever! lol Only time will tell.
Well the work is going forward here. I would go into more detail but for privacy reasons I'll save it for my letter! (Which by the way I'll probably be writing on Christmas eve because today is not a full P-day due to the holidays). But I will write it as soon a possible.
I hope you all have a great week and an AWESOME CHRISTMAS!!!! I look forward to hearing all your voices!
Love you a ton
Love Elder Cryer!
12-13-2010 Letter
Thanks for the nice long letter, Emma! That's not fair that you got snow. Actually, I'm O.K. with it. I don't mind snow when I can stay inside by the fire or go skiing but I don't like it so much when I have to go tracting in it! So I'm O.K. with the fact that we still haven't seen snow.
So have you gotten rid of the spiders in the Christmas tree? It sounds like you had quite the ordeal putting up the garland. Almost as much trouble as dad had with the outside lights! What is it with this year?!
I had trouble too. When we were hanging outside lights for someone we got them all hung, plugged them in and then stepped back just in time to see half of the lights die! We tried to fix it but we couldn't figure it out.
Well, your study schedule sounds very impressive. I bet you are learning and becoming even more than you realize. How are you enjoying applying the conference talks? Can you imagine if everyone did that? That would be awesome!
Thanks for your letter too, mom! Sorry for not mentioning 'the work' as much as I should in my letters. There are a few reasons...but mostly just because I'm lazy when it comes to writing. I keep justifying by saying, "Oh, I'll just tell them about it when I call on Christmas day," but in reality I'm sure there's too much to tell and talk about in an hour. I will try to do better. The reason that I have not mentioned the work much is not because we have had nothing to do. We have been very busy. You asked about the pilot's family. First, let me say...I love that family! They are awesome. But they are way busy. I don't even know everything they do but I think they do everything! We've been trying to find a time where we can go over and watch the Joy to the World DVD with them. We may be able to tomorrow.
You also asked about the boyfriend of the one young woman. It's still going with him. He had come to church twice and we had taught him the first and second lesson...and the third and then he got busy with a bunch of tournaments so we couldn't see him for about a week and a half to two weeks. By the time we got to meet with him again he had been anti-ed pretty bad. He came at us with about every anti question in the books. He said he was not coming to church again. Boy did we have to follow the spirit in that lesson! By the time the lesson ended he said we had answered his questions and that he would come to church. We fasted for him that night but he did not come to church. After we left I guess he started to question again. We will be continuing to work with him. I know that as soon as he knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet he will be O.K. We just have to help him get to that point.
We are also working with three young girls. They have never been baptized and they want to be. Their mom seems pretty on board with it all but we're not sure about the dad. We're going over there tonight to teach them. The first time we taught them they were way shy but the second time we went they had a ton to tell us. It was great! I love teaching kids! (Never thought you'd hear me say that did you?!)
You asked what I'm studying and learning. Well, I'm reading through the Book of Mormon again. I'm on my sixth time on my mission. And I'm also doing something that President Pfile asked us to Preach My Gospel all the way through. I am really trying to focus on recording my thoughts and impressions in the notes section along the side. I hope that will help me retain better. Something that I've always known but is really sticking out to me is focusing on converting the people. Like it says in the intro to PMG, "Your purpose is not only to cover the material; it is to help others come unto Christ..." This work is not a checklist, it is a process of conversion on both the part of the investigator and ourselves (D&C 50:22,24). We're all out to get more light. That's what this is all about. And it's all made possible through the atonement. Like it says on pg 2 of PMG (2nd paragraph) "As your understanding of the atonement of Jesus Christ grows, your desire to share the gospel will increase." That is because of that added light! President Pfile taught us that the atonement is in the center of everything. Everything is based upon, and made possible through the atonement.
Those are a few of the things that I have been learning about recently. And it's a great time to be learning about it during the Christmas season where we turn our thoughts to the birth of Jesus Christ, the one who made all this possible.
I hope you're all having fun getting ready for Christmas! I can't believe how fast it's coming. I can't wait to hear your voices! I'll be calling again...from Ulysses Kansas! Hope you have a great week! Remember I love you and I'm staying very busy! I love this work!
Love Elder Cryer
P.S. The Hugoton branch had their branch Christmas party on Saturday. After a little while the party started to lose some life so we (once again) saved the day. I started to do some dumb magic tricks. I was making them up on the spot. They started to gather round. Then I grabbed some of the mints on the table and started juggling. They loved that. All the kids came around and started watching. Then they started throwing more mints at me to try to catch. I did catch a few in my mouth! The kids were having a blast. None of the parents seemed bothered by it! It was fun!
Then President Madson came up to me and asked if I would read a Christmas story that they had. He said, "I think they'll probably listen to you more than anyone else!" We both laughed. So I got to read the Christmas story...and no one said a word as I read.
P.S.S. I'm not really sure what our Christmas day plans are yet. We have been invited over to someone's house to play some games. That should be fun since we can't watch movies this year.
Thanks for the nice long letter, Emma! That's not fair that you got snow. Actually, I'm O.K. with it. I don't mind snow when I can stay inside by the fire or go skiing but I don't like it so much when I have to go tracting in it! So I'm O.K. with the fact that we still haven't seen snow.
So have you gotten rid of the spiders in the Christmas tree? It sounds like you had quite the ordeal putting up the garland. Almost as much trouble as dad had with the outside lights! What is it with this year?!
I had trouble too. When we were hanging outside lights for someone we got them all hung, plugged them in and then stepped back just in time to see half of the lights die! We tried to fix it but we couldn't figure it out.
Well, your study schedule sounds very impressive. I bet you are learning and becoming even more than you realize. How are you enjoying applying the conference talks? Can you imagine if everyone did that? That would be awesome!
Thanks for your letter too, mom! Sorry for not mentioning 'the work' as much as I should in my letters. There are a few reasons...but mostly just because I'm lazy when it comes to writing. I keep justifying by saying, "Oh, I'll just tell them about it when I call on Christmas day," but in reality I'm sure there's too much to tell and talk about in an hour. I will try to do better. The reason that I have not mentioned the work much is not because we have had nothing to do. We have been very busy. You asked about the pilot's family. First, let me say...I love that family! They are awesome. But they are way busy. I don't even know everything they do but I think they do everything! We've been trying to find a time where we can go over and watch the Joy to the World DVD with them. We may be able to tomorrow.
You also asked about the boyfriend of the one young woman. It's still going with him. He had come to church twice and we had taught him the first and second lesson...and the third and then he got busy with a bunch of tournaments so we couldn't see him for about a week and a half to two weeks. By the time we got to meet with him again he had been anti-ed pretty bad. He came at us with about every anti question in the books. He said he was not coming to church again. Boy did we have to follow the spirit in that lesson! By the time the lesson ended he said we had answered his questions and that he would come to church. We fasted for him that night but he did not come to church. After we left I guess he started to question again. We will be continuing to work with him. I know that as soon as he knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet he will be O.K. We just have to help him get to that point.
We are also working with three young girls. They have never been baptized and they want to be. Their mom seems pretty on board with it all but we're not sure about the dad. We're going over there tonight to teach them. The first time we taught them they were way shy but the second time we went they had a ton to tell us. It was great! I love teaching kids! (Never thought you'd hear me say that did you?!)
You asked what I'm studying and learning. Well, I'm reading through the Book of Mormon again. I'm on my sixth time on my mission. And I'm also doing something that President Pfile asked us to Preach My Gospel all the way through. I am really trying to focus on recording my thoughts and impressions in the notes section along the side. I hope that will help me retain better. Something that I've always known but is really sticking out to me is focusing on converting the people. Like it says in the intro to PMG, "Your purpose is not only to cover the material; it is to help others come unto Christ..." This work is not a checklist, it is a process of conversion on both the part of the investigator and ourselves (D&C 50:22,24). We're all out to get more light. That's what this is all about. And it's all made possible through the atonement. Like it says on pg 2 of PMG (2nd paragraph) "As your understanding of the atonement of Jesus Christ grows, your desire to share the gospel will increase." That is because of that added light! President Pfile taught us that the atonement is in the center of everything. Everything is based upon, and made possible through the atonement.
Those are a few of the things that I have been learning about recently. And it's a great time to be learning about it during the Christmas season where we turn our thoughts to the birth of Jesus Christ, the one who made all this possible.
I hope you're all having fun getting ready for Christmas! I can't believe how fast it's coming. I can't wait to hear your voices! I'll be calling again...from Ulysses Kansas! Hope you have a great week! Remember I love you and I'm staying very busy! I love this work!
Love Elder Cryer
P.S. The Hugoton branch had their branch Christmas party on Saturday. After a little while the party started to lose some life so we (once again) saved the day. I started to do some dumb magic tricks. I was making them up on the spot. They started to gather round. Then I grabbed some of the mints on the table and started juggling. They loved that. All the kids came around and started watching. Then they started throwing more mints at me to try to catch. I did catch a few in my mouth! The kids were having a blast. None of the parents seemed bothered by it! It was fun!
Then President Madson came up to me and asked if I would read a Christmas story that they had. He said, "I think they'll probably listen to you more than anyone else!" We both laughed. So I got to read the Christmas story...and no one said a word as I read.
P.S.S. I'm not really sure what our Christmas day plans are yet. We have been invited over to someone's house to play some games. That should be fun since we can't watch movies this year.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
December 13, 2010 e-mail
So I had two emails to read today because I didn't get last weeks last week!
I think that they may transfer my records. Ulysses does feel like home now! When I get transferred (which will probably happen at some time!) it will feel like leaving on my mission all over again! I don't exactly know why president left me here but I'm sure glad that he did. I hope that I am doing everything that he wants me to do...but more importantly what the Lord wants me to be doing. I feel like I'm working hard though...I really do.
So, I'm trying to en-vision your birthday with a Christmas tree dad! That is SO not right! But man, you must be loved since you still got presents even though you're going to be getting an i-pad. What book did Sam get you? Let me guess....some sort of history related book? Was I right!!!!???!!!!! And...would I be jealous of this tie from Emma? ;)
(By the, I do not like carrot cake. I am so sorry that you had to eat that.)
Good ole' Christmas lights!!! I think I told you that I had to put some of those up too!!! You didn't have too much fun did you? That stinks that most of them didn't work. (I assume you checked that before you put them up?......I hope!) Oh, and I don't mind at all that you sold all my guitars and my computer. That doesn't bother me in the least...NOT!!! I would probably die if I came home and found my guitars missing!!! :)
I have not seen the Christmas devotional. I suppose I will get to at some point though. I would love to see it. Do you know if they're broadcasting the Mo-Tab Christmas concert with David Archuletta? We were thinking that would be a great tool for getting people to church.
Wow...I can't believe that you all found a tree that you liked in two minutes! (Does that mean that I was the one that always caused the problem? Hmmm.....)
That is way crazy about that hail storm! I thought I was the one who was supposed to be having the crazy hail storms?! And only over our house? That's so weird!!! I bet it was LOUD! I bet it was cool to watch...once you were out of it! How long did it last? We haven't had any crazy weather lately. We haven't even had snow!!! Whats up with that!? It must have been pretty intense to knock off Christmas lights..and knock out!
I'm glad to hear that Chris is doing well. I am praying for her quick and complete recovery. :) I am terribly sorry though to hear about your disappointing experience with the "Burger". Veggi burgers are nasty!
That's too bad that they didn't have the choir that ruined Christmas! That's what MADE Christmas!!! :) And I don't think that any two people will ever be able to make two harmonicas sound as close to one as we did! That was so funny!!!
Well tell President McDonald, Brother Seamans, President Peterson, and Sister Skeen thanks for asking about me. Tell them I'm doing great and LOVING my mission! (Even though that's probably what you already told them!!!) How much longer does President McDonald have? Will he still be Mission president when I get back?
Oh, to answer Santa's question. Probably just have him send the package to the apartment. If it goes to the mission office there is no knowing when I'll see it....if ever. (You gotta watch those AP's!)
Also, that its cold could you send some more pretzels?! Since I'm still here I want to give some to Brother Daniels. He has been waiting so long! He wants vanilla he said. Could you also send a few milk and a few dark though! :) By the is the business doing?
Well.....I better get running.
Enjoy the pics!!! Love you all a ton!
Love Elder Cryer
December 6, 2010 Letter
Dear Family
It has been a very busy p-day today. Our laundry is in progress right now and I finally found a few minutes to sit down and write.
My mind is blank right now! I really don't like p-days! I know that might sound crazy but I would much rather just be doing missionary work! It's way more fun. But, we have to get the 'house keeping' done as well.
I have two letters to reply to. One of Emma's and one of Sams!
So Sam, you say you had snow?! No fair! It hasn't rained here since September 22. No joke. We have seen no moisture for a while. I don't know when it will hit. I bet that was exciting! Maybe Eugene will see a white Christmas! That would be a first in a while.
Just so you know...I am very impressed about your driving abilities! Now the tables have turned. You can drive me everywhere when I return! That way I don't have to buy gas! No, but that's awesome. I bet mom has you run errands for her.
Wow, that is one intense Swell Swine activity! Good job Emma! Champion! (And good job for almost winning Sam!)
So Sam, have you recorded any since I left? I was wondering about that the other day for some reason.
I want you to know I bought eggnog for the first time this year. It was a quart. It lasted two days! I love it!
So, Emma's getting pretty good at piano huh? We may have to have a piano duel when I get back! We will make music history!
So how is school going for you? Anything exciting happen lately?
Well, asked how Elder Moser and I managed to eat three Thanksgiving meals. Well, we just ate and ate and then ate again! We were pretty full but we just tried not to fill our plates too full! I am glad to say that neither one of us was any rounder as a result of the meals.
It sounds like you've all been focusing a lot on gratitude. That sounds great. It always helps you feel very blessed when all you do is thank. You really start to realize how much you have.
It sounds like you had a fun Thanksgiving! Did you buy lots of stuff? I bet that's nice to be about done with your Christmas shopping. I bet Zach loved learning to draw. How did he do?
That's funny that you got speaking tips on a talk that you gave a year or so ago! Well, tips are always good.
Well, we have a lesson in a little bit. We're teaching three grand-daughters of a member. Should be fun. We're really excited to teach them!!
Well, I love each of you a ton! Have a great week!
Love Elder Cryer
Dear Family
It has been a very busy p-day today. Our laundry is in progress right now and I finally found a few minutes to sit down and write.
My mind is blank right now! I really don't like p-days! I know that might sound crazy but I would much rather just be doing missionary work! It's way more fun. But, we have to get the 'house keeping' done as well.
I have two letters to reply to. One of Emma's and one of Sams!
So Sam, you say you had snow?! No fair! It hasn't rained here since September 22. No joke. We have seen no moisture for a while. I don't know when it will hit. I bet that was exciting! Maybe Eugene will see a white Christmas! That would be a first in a while.
Just so you know...I am very impressed about your driving abilities! Now the tables have turned. You can drive me everywhere when I return! That way I don't have to buy gas! No, but that's awesome. I bet mom has you run errands for her.
Wow, that is one intense Swell Swine activity! Good job Emma! Champion! (And good job for almost winning Sam!)
So Sam, have you recorded any since I left? I was wondering about that the other day for some reason.
I want you to know I bought eggnog for the first time this year. It was a quart. It lasted two days! I love it!
So, Emma's getting pretty good at piano huh? We may have to have a piano duel when I get back! We will make music history!
So how is school going for you? Anything exciting happen lately?
Well, asked how Elder Moser and I managed to eat three Thanksgiving meals. Well, we just ate and ate and then ate again! We were pretty full but we just tried not to fill our plates too full! I am glad to say that neither one of us was any rounder as a result of the meals.
It sounds like you've all been focusing a lot on gratitude. That sounds great. It always helps you feel very blessed when all you do is thank. You really start to realize how much you have.
It sounds like you had a fun Thanksgiving! Did you buy lots of stuff? I bet that's nice to be about done with your Christmas shopping. I bet Zach loved learning to draw. How did he do?
That's funny that you got speaking tips on a talk that you gave a year or so ago! Well, tips are always good.
Well, we have a lesson in a little bit. We're teaching three grand-daughters of a member. Should be fun. We're really excited to teach them!!
Well, I love each of you a ton! Have a great week!
Love Elder Cryer
Monday, December 6, 2010
December 6, 2010 e-mail
Hey everyone!
Whew...where to begin? Its been a great last few days. Its always fun getting a new comp and helping him get caught up with the area. Elder Smith is really cool. He's from Virginia (Another east-coaster!) lol When we role played for the first time a few days ago it went really smooth...which is kinda rare! Usually each missionary has a unique way of teaching and it takes a few tries to get the two styles to mesh....but our first time went really well which was awesome! We were both surprised. It should be a great transfer! We have many people right now that are looking pretty solid.
Well, Christmas has hit. We were tracting down Main st. on Saturday in Hugoton and found that they have attached speakers to the light poles down the street that were playing Christmas tunes. It was really nice to be able to listen to some music while we tracted! Oh, and it was freezing cold! The sun was shining but the wind was bitter cold! It was probably down in the high 20's roughly. The cities (both Hugoton and Ulysses) have decorated the streets for Christmas and lots of people have their lights up. Its weird because our apartment is not decorated at all and so it really doesn't feel like Christmas until I step out the door each day and see all the lights!
So I had taken a bunch of pictures with people (investigators and members) because I thought it was a pretty big possibility that I would get transferred and so when I showed up at church on Sunday with a new companion instead of Elder Moser showing up with a new companion people were a little surprised!
So me and Elder Smith are having a contest to see how much money we can pick up off the streets in a day. So far he holds the record with....82 cents I believe. I'm close behind with 73 cents. Yesterday I found 21 cents and Elder Smith found 13 cents. It keeps things interesting as we tract....we're scanning the streets for money!!!
So, I know we still have a few weeks but what time would work best for me to call home on Christmas day? Or are you going to lock yourselves in the house that day? Just let me know so that if I have to call at a certain time I'm aware of it!
Have you got the house all decorated yet? I'm guessing the answer to that is yes! Are the outside lights up? whats the weather like there?
Well....I better be heading....we have a busy day ahead of us!
Before I go I just want you all to know I love the holiday season. I know that Christ came into the world to become our Savior. I know He lives today. I know that this is His gospel.
I know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that He lives and loves everyone as I hope to also love those I serve. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Joseph Smith was called by God to be a prophet. Have a merry almost Christmas!!!
Love you all!
Love Elder Cryer
Hey everyone!
Whew...where to begin? Its been a great last few days. Its always fun getting a new comp and helping him get caught up with the area. Elder Smith is really cool. He's from Virginia (Another east-coaster!) lol When we role played for the first time a few days ago it went really smooth...which is kinda rare! Usually each missionary has a unique way of teaching and it takes a few tries to get the two styles to mesh....but our first time went really well which was awesome! We were both surprised. It should be a great transfer! We have many people right now that are looking pretty solid.
Well, Christmas has hit. We were tracting down Main st. on Saturday in Hugoton and found that they have attached speakers to the light poles down the street that were playing Christmas tunes. It was really nice to be able to listen to some music while we tracted! Oh, and it was freezing cold! The sun was shining but the wind was bitter cold! It was probably down in the high 20's roughly. The cities (both Hugoton and Ulysses) have decorated the streets for Christmas and lots of people have their lights up. Its weird because our apartment is not decorated at all and so it really doesn't feel like Christmas until I step out the door each day and see all the lights!
So I had taken a bunch of pictures with people (investigators and members) because I thought it was a pretty big possibility that I would get transferred and so when I showed up at church on Sunday with a new companion instead of Elder Moser showing up with a new companion people were a little surprised!
So me and Elder Smith are having a contest to see how much money we can pick up off the streets in a day. So far he holds the record with....82 cents I believe. I'm close behind with 73 cents. Yesterday I found 21 cents and Elder Smith found 13 cents. It keeps things interesting as we tract....we're scanning the streets for money!!!
So, I know we still have a few weeks but what time would work best for me to call home on Christmas day? Or are you going to lock yourselves in the house that day? Just let me know so that if I have to call at a certain time I'm aware of it!
Have you got the house all decorated yet? I'm guessing the answer to that is yes! Are the outside lights up? whats the weather like there?
Well....I better be heading....we have a busy day ahead of us!
Before I go I just want you all to know I love the holiday season. I know that Christ came into the world to become our Savior. I know He lives today. I know that this is His gospel.
I know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that He lives and loves everyone as I hope to also love those I serve. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Joseph Smith was called by God to be a prophet. Have a merry almost Christmas!!!
Love you all!
Love Elder Cryer
Saturday, December 4, 2010
November 29, 2010 Letter
Dear FAmily,
Well, I'm writing this as Elder Moser is packing. I can't believe that I get to stay here for another transfer. That means I'm here for Christmas and New Years! Everybody in my district has been telling me that I was gone for sure. They are all so surprised that I'm staying.
So did you used to roast chestnuts as a kid dad? That's neat that you tried it. So are you and Sam going to roast some more?
Tell Aunt Jackie that I missed Black Friday shopping as well. I'm glad I'll get to do it next year! I heard stories of people shopping all through the night! That sounds so fun! I can't believe that you didn't leave the house at all! That is so not exciting.
Well, this last week I got a letter from Emma and Mom! I'll start by replying to Emmas.
Man, I bet that was exciting to go on an outing with your sis! That's pretty awesome! (So Sam, what car do you drive? Are you getting your own car anytime soon?)
It sounds like you've been able to play the piano a lot lately! That's neat. I bet you and Sam get a lot of requests! I can't believe you Emma and Sam! An early Christmas party! That is awful! I'm surprised you both survived that! Man, there's a lady (well, a family) here that you would love. She has a TON of Christmas decorations! Each of her three kids have their own tree in their room. Then she has about six trees in her living room! No joke. She loves Christmas! We helped them put up Christmas lights on the outside of their house. It was fun.
I'm glad that quote was able to help you. The one about never feeling comfortable. I love that one too.
Well mom, you asked how I'm doing. The answer is GREAT! Even better now that I know I get to stay here. Speaking of 'even better' are you feeling better dad? Are you over your walking pneumonia? That doesn't sound like fun. I hope your feeling better now.
That is funny about the Masons. Souns like they had a lot of turkey! Sounds like my kind of meal!
You asked if I have been finding ways to apply what I've been learning. I have been trying. I have recently hit a spot in my mission where I feel a little like I've hit a plateau. I don't like that feeling. I want to continue to grow and progress. I know I can be far better than I am. I just need to find out how. So I am trying. President has helped a lot. Like you said, "He's a hard man to misunderstand!' I love both the Pfiles.
Well I just realized that in the rush of things I forgot to wish dad a happy birthday in the e-mail so, Happy Birthday Dad! How old does that make you? Twenty-seven? Twenty-eight? I hope that you have a very happy, un-sick birthday! And be sure to enjoy the Christmas tree! I bet your going to love your i-pad. I'm not jealous at all! Those things are awesome. Hey, you'll be able to e-mail me from that won't you!? Sweet!
Well, again, I'm in a rush. I need to drive Elder Moser to Liberal so he can catch his ride. Love you all a tone!
Love Elder Cryer
Dear FAmily,
Well, I'm writing this as Elder Moser is packing. I can't believe that I get to stay here for another transfer. That means I'm here for Christmas and New Years! Everybody in my district has been telling me that I was gone for sure. They are all so surprised that I'm staying.
So did you used to roast chestnuts as a kid dad? That's neat that you tried it. So are you and Sam going to roast some more?
Tell Aunt Jackie that I missed Black Friday shopping as well. I'm glad I'll get to do it next year! I heard stories of people shopping all through the night! That sounds so fun! I can't believe that you didn't leave the house at all! That is so not exciting.
Well, this last week I got a letter from Emma and Mom! I'll start by replying to Emmas.
Man, I bet that was exciting to go on an outing with your sis! That's pretty awesome! (So Sam, what car do you drive? Are you getting your own car anytime soon?)
It sounds like you've been able to play the piano a lot lately! That's neat. I bet you and Sam get a lot of requests! I can't believe you Emma and Sam! An early Christmas party! That is awful! I'm surprised you both survived that! Man, there's a lady (well, a family) here that you would love. She has a TON of Christmas decorations! Each of her three kids have their own tree in their room. Then she has about six trees in her living room! No joke. She loves Christmas! We helped them put up Christmas lights on the outside of their house. It was fun.
I'm glad that quote was able to help you. The one about never feeling comfortable. I love that one too.
Well mom, you asked how I'm doing. The answer is GREAT! Even better now that I know I get to stay here. Speaking of 'even better' are you feeling better dad? Are you over your walking pneumonia? That doesn't sound like fun. I hope your feeling better now.
That is funny about the Masons. Souns like they had a lot of turkey! Sounds like my kind of meal!
You asked if I have been finding ways to apply what I've been learning. I have been trying. I have recently hit a spot in my mission where I feel a little like I've hit a plateau. I don't like that feeling. I want to continue to grow and progress. I know I can be far better than I am. I just need to find out how. So I am trying. President has helped a lot. Like you said, "He's a hard man to misunderstand!' I love both the Pfiles.
Well I just realized that in the rush of things I forgot to wish dad a happy birthday in the e-mail so, Happy Birthday Dad! How old does that make you? Twenty-seven? Twenty-eight? I hope that you have a very happy, un-sick birthday! And be sure to enjoy the Christmas tree! I bet your going to love your i-pad. I'm not jealous at all! Those things are awesome. Hey, you'll be able to e-mail me from that won't you!? Sweet!
Well, again, I'm in a rush. I need to drive Elder Moser to Liberal so he can catch his ride. Love you all a tone!
Love Elder Cryer
Friday, December 3, 2010
November 29, 2010 e-mail
Whew....I'm going to have to make this e-mail quick. you might TRANSFER DAY!!!! That long anticipated...yet dreaded transfer day. Well....remember when you said that I would REALLY miss these people when I leave? are right. I am going to miss them....BUT!....I don't have to worry about that for another six weeks!!!! Yes, I get to spend Christmas in Ulysses and Hugoton! Can you believe that?! I'm shocked, but happy!
Well yes, I did have a great Thanksgiving. I ate lots and played some highway football. I think I told you about that.
I can't believe that you are putting up the Christmas tree today!!! That is SO not legal! It will be fun though! I have already helped putting up a ton of Christmas stuff! There is one family with presents wrapped and under the tree already!
Yeah, I wish that we could have i-pads but that probably wont be happening anytime soon!
Thanks for the pics. It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! I can't believe that you sent that cruel picture of the jello salad. That hurts!!! :)
Well Elder Moser needs to pack and get headed off so I have to leave.
Have a great day! I'll write with more details soon!
Love you
Love Elder Cryer
Whew....I'm going to have to make this e-mail quick. you might TRANSFER DAY!!!! That long anticipated...yet dreaded transfer day. Well....remember when you said that I would REALLY miss these people when I leave? are right. I am going to miss them....BUT!....I don't have to worry about that for another six weeks!!!! Yes, I get to spend Christmas in Ulysses and Hugoton! Can you believe that?! I'm shocked, but happy!
Well yes, I did have a great Thanksgiving. I ate lots and played some highway football. I think I told you about that.
I can't believe that you are putting up the Christmas tree today!!! That is SO not legal! It will be fun though! I have already helped putting up a ton of Christmas stuff! There is one family with presents wrapped and under the tree already!
Yeah, I wish that we could have i-pads but that probably wont be happening anytime soon!
Thanks for the pics. It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! I can't believe that you sent that cruel picture of the jello salad. That hurts!!! :)
Well Elder Moser needs to pack and get headed off so I have to leave.
Have a great day! I'll write with more details soon!
Love you
Love Elder Cryer
November 25, 2010 letter
Dear Family,
Well, as I sit and write this letter you are all having a happy Thanksgiving with grandpa and grandma and Aunt Jackie, Uncle Jerry and Zach. I'm having a good Thanksgiving too! I woke up this morning and started writing letters, then I showered and then wrote a couple more letters, then I ate breakfast and now I'm writing more! We have a pretty laid back day today. We have our first lunch in about an hour.
Well, I believe that I have two letters to reply to of Emma's.
You asked if the kids at the Halloween party were really punching us or not. Well, I think they were really punching but it wasn't very hard! We were all dressed up in black cloaks. It was funny. I'll send pics if I ever get them. can you be a better missionary now. That is a great question. The fact that it's on your mind and you have the desire is the first step. The first thing that comes to mind is "live the gospel as conspicuously as you can." Don't hide all. Don't push the gospel on anyone but you can always invite. I think the best thing in the math class situation is just to be a good example and try to build good friendships with them so you get to where you can invite them. That's awesome that you learned how to play that hymn in three days! I've commented to a couple people how well my sisters play the piano.
That's cool that you got to go to the temple recently. That's crazy that that RM knew Landon. Small world!
So you're illustrating Charlie Pool? That's cool! Will it be done when I get back? I can't wait to see it. I like the drawings you sent me! They are really good. You have quite the talent.
So are you trying to develop a photographic memory. Let me know how it goes! Maybe I should try.
Well, I'm back. We had a good day. We went to the Woods at noon and ate a good meal. We played a game called Zingo. It's basically bingo with a little twist.
We went to the Peters next at 1:30 and had another good meal. We had fun visiting with all of them.
Next we had a meal with the Segers. We went out to their farm. I didn't eat a whole lot there but we did have a good game of highway football though! We had to move a couple times for cars and trucks. It was fun. I must say that I caught the ball every time it was thrown to me. About five times. It's interesting playing football dressed up in church clothes!
Well, if I stay another transfer here I'll get to help lots of people put up Christmas lights. There have been a lot of people that have asked us to help. Should be fun! Hey...if I do stay then I'll get to call home from Ulysses for the second time! That would be crazy.
Well I better go. Love you all!
Love Elder Cryer
Dear Family,
Well, as I sit and write this letter you are all having a happy Thanksgiving with grandpa and grandma and Aunt Jackie, Uncle Jerry and Zach. I'm having a good Thanksgiving too! I woke up this morning and started writing letters, then I showered and then wrote a couple more letters, then I ate breakfast and now I'm writing more! We have a pretty laid back day today. We have our first lunch in about an hour.
Well, I believe that I have two letters to reply to of Emma's.
You asked if the kids at the Halloween party were really punching us or not. Well, I think they were really punching but it wasn't very hard! We were all dressed up in black cloaks. It was funny. I'll send pics if I ever get them. can you be a better missionary now. That is a great question. The fact that it's on your mind and you have the desire is the first step. The first thing that comes to mind is "live the gospel as conspicuously as you can." Don't hide all. Don't push the gospel on anyone but you can always invite. I think the best thing in the math class situation is just to be a good example and try to build good friendships with them so you get to where you can invite them. That's awesome that you learned how to play that hymn in three days! I've commented to a couple people how well my sisters play the piano.
That's cool that you got to go to the temple recently. That's crazy that that RM knew Landon. Small world!
So you're illustrating Charlie Pool? That's cool! Will it be done when I get back? I can't wait to see it. I like the drawings you sent me! They are really good. You have quite the talent.
So are you trying to develop a photographic memory. Let me know how it goes! Maybe I should try.
Well, I'm back. We had a good day. We went to the Woods at noon and ate a good meal. We played a game called Zingo. It's basically bingo with a little twist.
We went to the Peters next at 1:30 and had another good meal. We had fun visiting with all of them.
Next we had a meal with the Segers. We went out to their farm. I didn't eat a whole lot there but we did have a good game of highway football though! We had to move a couple times for cars and trucks. It was fun. I must say that I caught the ball every time it was thrown to me. About five times. It's interesting playing football dressed up in church clothes!
Well, if I stay another transfer here I'll get to help lots of people put up Christmas lights. There have been a lot of people that have asked us to help. Should be fun! Hey...if I do stay then I'll get to call home from Ulysses for the second time! That would be crazy.
Well I better go. Love you all!
Love Elder Cryer
November 24, 2010 e-mail
Hello guys!!!
Is it just me or does it feel like I have been e-mailing on a different day every week?!?!?! It's really not my fault...I'm just doing what I'm told! Since Thanksgiving is this week we were told to work Monday instead of taking a P-day and then e-mail and shop on Wednesday due to the fact that everything will be closed tomorrow, and then on Thanksgiving day we get to have an all day P-day!!! So that is why I'm emailing on a Wednesday this week!
I'm glad to hear that you decided to come back to life dad! Good my opinion!
Man...I've been getting lots of word that the sounds of Christmas have been floating through the air a little early this year. What are we going to do about this? Well, let me just say this. I doubt you've had the worst of it. I have tried and failed to convert Elder Moser to the fact that Christmas music should not be played...(or thought about for that matter) all before November 30th each year. I began my attempts to convert him about August when we were on our way to a district meeting in Liberal and he put in a Christmas CD!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE HHHEEELLLPPPP!!!!!!!! Like I attempts to convince him of the error of his ways....and the wicked traditions of his fathers....were in vain and he has been listening to it up to this current day....and will probably continue to listen to it until about May. Disgusting I know. I did all I could!
So, as I was looking at the picture of the 'three amigas' playing guitar I noticed that we have a Jackson Michael edition of our projector. Instead of going from black to white like Michael Jackson, it went from white to black! Why the new projector? Is it HD? What happened to the old one? I don't know if I ever saw all three guitars being played at once. What is this?......the party started when I left huh? !!! :)
You're going to be the proud owner of an i-pad!!!!????!!!! Those things are AWESOME! The church is doing like a trial run thing by giving those to a few companionship's here in the CCSM to see if they help move the work along a little more effectively. We're one of the companionship's that got one!!!! It is so nice. would be if what I just said were true. Unfortunately that is not true at all. :( But there are a few members that have them (2 to be exact) and they have shown them to me. Pretty slick. I wouldn't mind one of those! Can you send me one of those for Christmas? (Just joking!!!) here has started to cool down. No moisture at all yet though....just cold. Its been getting down to the 30's in the morning. It sounds like good ole' Oregon is still doing good with the moisture!!! I love hail storms. I keep wanting to see golf ball size hail here....or baseball size!
So you had 30 investigators at church last week throughout the stake? That's not bad! I hope they all stick!
Well.....I just thought...this e-mail is probably being read by a few more people this week....possibly Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Jerry, Aunt Jackie, I right? How are you all doing! I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!!! I would ask you to eat some food for me too but we already have three meals lined up back to back on Thursday! One at 12:00pm, one at 1:30pm, and one at 3:00pm. So I have a feeling I'll get enough to eat!
Well...I would love to stay and chat but I have to run...I have already gone a couple minutes over my hour. I will get a letter off to you soon!
Love you all
Love Elder Cryer
...and remember....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Hello guys!!!
Is it just me or does it feel like I have been e-mailing on a different day every week?!?!?! It's really not my fault...I'm just doing what I'm told! Since Thanksgiving is this week we were told to work Monday instead of taking a P-day and then e-mail and shop on Wednesday due to the fact that everything will be closed tomorrow, and then on Thanksgiving day we get to have an all day P-day!!! So that is why I'm emailing on a Wednesday this week!
I'm glad to hear that you decided to come back to life dad! Good my opinion!
Man...I've been getting lots of word that the sounds of Christmas have been floating through the air a little early this year. What are we going to do about this? Well, let me just say this. I doubt you've had the worst of it. I have tried and failed to convert Elder Moser to the fact that Christmas music should not be played...(or thought about for that matter) all before November 30th each year. I began my attempts to convert him about August when we were on our way to a district meeting in Liberal and he put in a Christmas CD!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE HHHEEELLLPPPP!!!!!!!! Like I attempts to convince him of the error of his ways....and the wicked traditions of his fathers....were in vain and he has been listening to it up to this current day....and will probably continue to listen to it until about May. Disgusting I know. I did all I could!
So, as I was looking at the picture of the 'three amigas' playing guitar I noticed that we have a Jackson Michael edition of our projector. Instead of going from black to white like Michael Jackson, it went from white to black! Why the new projector? Is it HD? What happened to the old one? I don't know if I ever saw all three guitars being played at once. What is this?......the party started when I left huh? !!! :)
You're going to be the proud owner of an i-pad!!!!????!!!! Those things are AWESOME! The church is doing like a trial run thing by giving those to a few companionship's here in the CCSM to see if they help move the work along a little more effectively. We're one of the companionship's that got one!!!! It is so nice. would be if what I just said were true. Unfortunately that is not true at all. :( But there are a few members that have them (2 to be exact) and they have shown them to me. Pretty slick. I wouldn't mind one of those! Can you send me one of those for Christmas? (Just joking!!!) here has started to cool down. No moisture at all yet though....just cold. Its been getting down to the 30's in the morning. It sounds like good ole' Oregon is still doing good with the moisture!!! I love hail storms. I keep wanting to see golf ball size hail here....or baseball size!
So you had 30 investigators at church last week throughout the stake? That's not bad! I hope they all stick!
Well.....I just thought...this e-mail is probably being read by a few more people this week....possibly Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Jerry, Aunt Jackie, I right? How are you all doing! I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!!! I would ask you to eat some food for me too but we already have three meals lined up back to back on Thursday! One at 12:00pm, one at 1:30pm, and one at 3:00pm. So I have a feeling I'll get enough to eat!
Well...I would love to stay and chat but I have to run...I have already gone a couple minutes over my hour. I will get a letter off to you soon!
Love you all
Love Elder Cryer
...and remember....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
November 15, 2010 e-mail
Hi there everyone!
Wow, I feel so behind right now! I have letters to catch up on, journal writing to catch up on, and so much more! That's o.k.....I can do it!
Well I'm sorry to hear that dad is sick. That can't be any fun. Is he the first one sick right now or did he get it as a gift from one of you?!?!? :) I hope he gets feeling better soon.
Congrats Sam on driving to church!!! That's pretty exciting! How do you like tearing up the roads on your own? I've been having fun tearing up the roads out here in Kansas. In fact....most of them are dirt now! (I can't remember if they were like that before I came or not! ;)......) It sounds like you're enjoying it. You thinkin' about NASCAR next?
Well...the answer to your question...or yes. Brother Rowberry did overpay for his pretzels. I couldn't believe it! It was SO generous! In fact....when I first saw the money I thought..."haha I'm going to send it back to him and see what he says." But then as I read the letter I realized that he had made that impossible by telling me that that idea was strictly unacceptable. Dang it.....he read my mind. (In case you're reading this Brother Rowberry...thanks again for your extreme generosity!) So yes....I haven't needed to dip into my account. However I still haven't bought new pants or anything! Mainly because I'm serving in "The middle of nowhere" Kansas where the only pants you can buy are Wranglers and Carharts! I'll need to wait until I go to a bigger city. If I make time we can go to JC Penny in Liberal after district meeting. I'll get 'er done at some point!
That's neat about Carson. Hows he like being a ward missionary? He's going to make a great missionary. It's good to hear that he's making time to go out with the missionaries. He'll be glad he did!!!
That's neat that you got to go to the temple all together. That will be a great time when we can all go together again wont it?!?!?! That's neat that your trying to go twice a month....I bet that's nice. That's better than twice in two me!!! :) I love the temple. That's pretty cool that you got to speak in the chapel session. Sounds like that's a rare privilege! So you were just called up without warning? Or did you have some notice?
Sounds like you have a fun Thanksgiving planned. Is Aunt Jackie going to face Black Friday this year? Who's going to go with her this time?!?!?! I don't think I'll be going this year because I don't think missionaries are allowed to do Black Friday shopping! Its O.K....this is the last year I need to miss it! I don't know exactly what our plans for Thanksgiving are at the moment. Lots of missionary work I assume! The day before Thanksgiving....on Wednesday....the Ulysses ward is doing a talent show/dinner at the Civic center. That should be interesting....ward talent shows always are! It is usually where the least amount of talent is displayed!!! Should be lots of fun though.
I'm glad I was able to make you laugh with my "making the party story". Its true though! That party was going to die if it weren't for us! Good thing we were there to save the day! We've basically won the primary kids over in both the Ward and the Branch. They are awesome!
I'm sure the house isn't lacking humor though.....I have dad there! I don't know if I remember a day that he didn't have us all laughing! (Especially around the dinner table!)
Well......I gotta run again. The story of my life!
I love you all and I'll get you a letter put in the mail today!
Take care, (And get better dad!)
Love Elder Cryer
Hi there everyone!
Wow, I feel so behind right now! I have letters to catch up on, journal writing to catch up on, and so much more! That's o.k.....I can do it!
Well I'm sorry to hear that dad is sick. That can't be any fun. Is he the first one sick right now or did he get it as a gift from one of you?!?!? :) I hope he gets feeling better soon.
Congrats Sam on driving to church!!! That's pretty exciting! How do you like tearing up the roads on your own? I've been having fun tearing up the roads out here in Kansas. In fact....most of them are dirt now! (I can't remember if they were like that before I came or not! ;)......) It sounds like you're enjoying it. You thinkin' about NASCAR next?
Well...the answer to your question...or yes. Brother Rowberry did overpay for his pretzels. I couldn't believe it! It was SO generous! In fact....when I first saw the money I thought..."haha I'm going to send it back to him and see what he says." But then as I read the letter I realized that he had made that impossible by telling me that that idea was strictly unacceptable. Dang it.....he read my mind. (In case you're reading this Brother Rowberry...thanks again for your extreme generosity!) So yes....I haven't needed to dip into my account. However I still haven't bought new pants or anything! Mainly because I'm serving in "The middle of nowhere" Kansas where the only pants you can buy are Wranglers and Carharts! I'll need to wait until I go to a bigger city. If I make time we can go to JC Penny in Liberal after district meeting. I'll get 'er done at some point!
That's neat about Carson. Hows he like being a ward missionary? He's going to make a great missionary. It's good to hear that he's making time to go out with the missionaries. He'll be glad he did!!!
That's neat that you got to go to the temple all together. That will be a great time when we can all go together again wont it?!?!?! That's neat that your trying to go twice a month....I bet that's nice. That's better than twice in two me!!! :) I love the temple. That's pretty cool that you got to speak in the chapel session. Sounds like that's a rare privilege! So you were just called up without warning? Or did you have some notice?
Sounds like you have a fun Thanksgiving planned. Is Aunt Jackie going to face Black Friday this year? Who's going to go with her this time?!?!?! I don't think I'll be going this year because I don't think missionaries are allowed to do Black Friday shopping! Its O.K....this is the last year I need to miss it! I don't know exactly what our plans for Thanksgiving are at the moment. Lots of missionary work I assume! The day before Thanksgiving....on Wednesday....the Ulysses ward is doing a talent show/dinner at the Civic center. That should be interesting....ward talent shows always are! It is usually where the least amount of talent is displayed!!! Should be lots of fun though.
I'm glad I was able to make you laugh with my "making the party story". Its true though! That party was going to die if it weren't for us! Good thing we were there to save the day! We've basically won the primary kids over in both the Ward and the Branch. They are awesome!
I'm sure the house isn't lacking humor though.....I have dad there! I don't know if I remember a day that he didn't have us all laughing! (Especially around the dinner table!)
Well......I gotta run again. The story of my life!
I love you all and I'll get you a letter put in the mail today!
Take care, (And get better dad!)
Love Elder Cryer
November 10, 2010 e-mail (The blog master is behind again....sorry!)
Hello again everybody! I figured I'd really try to throw you off today by e-mailing on a Wednesday! Did it work?
I think I told you how I was going to be in Pueblo Colorado on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Well.....I lied. :) President Pfile decided to squeeze Leadership Training into two days instead of three so that we could get back to our areas as soon as possible. So today we were told to do P-day since we missed it on Monday and our laundry really needs to be done!
Man....that is awesome that Carson's papers are in! Tell him I want a letter when he knows where he's going! :) Man...I can't believe how fast time is going!
Well it sounds like you've had just as many meeting as I have recently! It sounds like they were good too! (As were mine!)
The leadership session sounds good. I have been wanting to incorporate the scriptures more in my teaching and talking with people as well because of that idea that is presented in the Book of Mormon that the "Word" has a more powerful effect on the hearts and minds of the people than anything else. It is true. Something that I have come to realize while I've been out is that we have the ability and the power in ourselves to convince. But only God has the ability and power necessary to convert. That power lies in, and can be invited by, the scriptures. It has to be a spirit to spirit process. Not a mind to mind. It has been, and still is, a profound lesson to learn. I am still figuring it out. I know I can do better at creating a climate where the spirit can testify to the investigator and then, as President Pfile says, "shut up, get out of the Holy Ghosts way, and let him work." :)
To answer your question....yes. Kansas does do daylight savings time and we did remember to set our clocks back. It's been crazy lately because our mission covers two time zones and we have been traveling across them these past few days! It makes things interesting!
Things are cooling down here (knock on wood). It has been freezing during the nights. (I know that because our car is covered in a very thin covering of ice in the morning). And it has been about 50 - 65 degrees for the most part during the day.
SO Ducks are #1! GO DUCKS!!! I will definitely start bragging about that! That is some good information that could be used to humble some people!
I'll be looking for my xd card and CD! Thanks for sending those to me!
So on Sunday while we were on our way to our meeting with Elder Nelson we got lost. Luckily we were about two hours early, but still we were lost. Then all of sudden I see a sign that says: "Garden of the Gods....1 1/2 miles". Hmmm.......That's interesting! So we went to the Garden of the Gods! It was a neat place. No, there is no cost to get in! I'll throw some pictures on here so that you can see my adventures.
Well....I took a ton of notes between zone conference, Elder Nelsons meeting, and Leadership Training that I will write about when I write to you soon.
Oh!!! quick thing. You remember that I told you about that young man that I baptized my first transfer in the mission that I told you was getting ready to go on a mission? Well he was at the leadership training!!! He was doing role plays teaching with us and everything! It was so awesome to see that huge progression in him! And it was just great to see him again!
Well I better get going. I have lots to do!!!
I love you all and hope you continue to do well!
Love Elder Cryer....
P.S. I am thinking about Christmas ideas. :)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
November 16, 2010 Letter
Dear Family,
How is life treating you? It is great for me. Although time is just flying by so fast! It feels like I've been writing home every other day! Not that that's bad but I just can't believe how fast a week goes by!
Emma, I was glad to hear that you're in the habit of writing me every Sunday! I do know Hugoton and Ulysses pretty well now! In fact, I know it better than some people who have lived here a while.
Thanks for your letter Sam. You are welcome for your b-day letter. I'm glad you enjoyed the confetti! Don't even ask how I got the m&m's into your jar from Kansas. Just know that I am that good! Congrats on the drivers license! I had to read that over a few times before it sunk in! That is awesome!
Thank you for your letter mom. It was interesting as I read the pattern that you found as you studied about Ruth. That same pattern has been covered quite a bit in my recent meetings. I've been working on making that pattern a part of who I am too!
I liked that phase you shared, "Fear not, fret not." I may put that on the front of one of my planners!
Man, that's cool about Derric. Not my cup of tea but I think he'll do great. That's neat. So how long will he be gone before he can communicate with home?
Well, you wanted to hear about what I got out of all my meetings I've had recently. Zone Conference was great. President spent quite a bit of time talking to those of us that go home after July...which is when the Pfiles go home and we get a new Mission President. He told us we need to step it up because we are the future leaders of this mission.
The assistants (AP's) talked about how our mind set and attitude affect others. We both need to be positive or they will cancel each other out.
Elder Nelsons meeting was really good. That was the second time that I got to listen to him and shake his hand on my mission. The first time was at a Pueblo Stake Conference. Elder Jensen and Elder Hilliard also came on Sunday. It was awesome. Elder Nelson walks very fast! That's one thing I noticed!
Sister Pfile spoke first. She focused on the fact that it's the small choices that we make that determine the great outcome of who we are. Something else that she said that I liked was, "The Atonement makes the world make sense." It's true. Without the Atonement none of this would make sense at all.
President Pfile talked about how we need to step outside of our comfort zone a little more. We should never be comfortable or content. Those feelings don't promote gorwth.
Elder Hilliard spoke about how because of our setting apart as missionaries we have the right and responsibility to represent Jesus Christ. He also talked to us about how the scriptures have a depth, height and width that we don't realize. That is why we get something new every time we read them.
Something he suggested we do to appreciate the "word" better is to read Alma 31-34 and completely ignore the verses. Treat it like a conference talk. Also replace the word seed with word. I'm excited to see what I get out of it.
Elder Nelson spoke on a few things. He also spoke about how prayer and hymns are an important combination. He said, "We forfeit strength when we doubt."
And, " When you get direction from your leaders don't put a question mark behind it, put an exclamation point behind it and the go get to work."
Also, "If you love the Lord first then your capacity to love increases. Love is vertical first."
He also told us not to be homesick. He said that he knew our parents love and miss us but he said, "Trust me, the last place they want you right now is home." Then he read D&C 31. Don't worry. I'm not homesick. I love my mission!
So no for leadership training. It was good as well. One of the first things President said was, "You haven't seen anything yet." He was referring to our missions. He said that this mission is going to see greater things than it's ever seen.
We talked about a lot of things but we seemed to talk about the word 'believe' alot. President kept asking, "Do you believe?" He said we limit ourselves too often by our unbelief.
Here are a few President Pfile quotes:
1) If we love the Lord then we will conform to His will. We will not seek to conform His will to ours.
2) I don't care how tough it gets. Dog on it...don't give up.
3) All the blessings of the Atonement can only come when we are living all of the principles of the gospel.
4) Give the Holy Ghost time to speak.
5) Be grateful for hard things...they cause you to call upon God.
6) Where there is no challenge there is no backbone.
7) There's nothing that makes you happier than work.
Those are just a few. He told us that the time is coming in this mission when we will be so busy we won't be able to keep up! He said that we'll have to ask God to magnify our time. That will be exciting!
The coolest thing about the Leadership Training was the fact that Kurtis Pugh was there! (That young man that Elder Oakes and I baptized my first transfer.) He is getting ready to go on his mission around the first of the year so he got permission to come to the training. He was answering questions, doing role plays, teaching people, and other stuff. It was so awesome. I got to talk with him for a little bit. He is doing so good.
Well, we tracted into a couple the other day in Hugoton. They are Baptists, both really nice. We taught them the Restoration and they agreed to read a pray about the Book of Mormon. We're going back to see them this Friday. I hope all goes well.
We had dinner with a less active family a couple days ago. It was a crazy dinner. The husband is anti-Mormon and the wife and daughter are Mormon. When we showed up the husband was watching Transformers and he didn't turn it off when they asked us to sit down on the couch. Luckily the daughter had two friends over so we talked to them instead of watching the movie. One of the friends was pretty quiet but the other was crazy! She was only about 12 or 13 but she could speak English, Spanish, German, Vietnamese and Cherokee! She could also very accurately mimik the sound of a dog, cat, elephant, monkey and newborn baby. She can also play the cell, piano, flute and she can sing very well. She was so smart! And very funny as well.
So one of the young women in the Hugoton ward gave us a referral. Her boyfriend. We're going to meet with him this Friday. We're super excited. She can't wait for us to talk to her boyfriend. Should be good.
Well, I better get this in the mail to you all.
Love you!
Love Elder Cryer
Dear Family,
How is life treating you? It is great for me. Although time is just flying by so fast! It feels like I've been writing home every other day! Not that that's bad but I just can't believe how fast a week goes by!
Emma, I was glad to hear that you're in the habit of writing me every Sunday! I do know Hugoton and Ulysses pretty well now! In fact, I know it better than some people who have lived here a while.
Thanks for your letter Sam. You are welcome for your b-day letter. I'm glad you enjoyed the confetti! Don't even ask how I got the m&m's into your jar from Kansas. Just know that I am that good! Congrats on the drivers license! I had to read that over a few times before it sunk in! That is awesome!
Thank you for your letter mom. It was interesting as I read the pattern that you found as you studied about Ruth. That same pattern has been covered quite a bit in my recent meetings. I've been working on making that pattern a part of who I am too!
I liked that phase you shared, "Fear not, fret not." I may put that on the front of one of my planners!
Man, that's cool about Derric. Not my cup of tea but I think he'll do great. That's neat. So how long will he be gone before he can communicate with home?
Well, you wanted to hear about what I got out of all my meetings I've had recently. Zone Conference was great. President spent quite a bit of time talking to those of us that go home after July...which is when the Pfiles go home and we get a new Mission President. He told us we need to step it up because we are the future leaders of this mission.
The assistants (AP's) talked about how our mind set and attitude affect others. We both need to be positive or they will cancel each other out.
Elder Nelsons meeting was really good. That was the second time that I got to listen to him and shake his hand on my mission. The first time was at a Pueblo Stake Conference. Elder Jensen and Elder Hilliard also came on Sunday. It was awesome. Elder Nelson walks very fast! That's one thing I noticed!
Sister Pfile spoke first. She focused on the fact that it's the small choices that we make that determine the great outcome of who we are. Something else that she said that I liked was, "The Atonement makes the world make sense." It's true. Without the Atonement none of this would make sense at all.
President Pfile talked about how we need to step outside of our comfort zone a little more. We should never be comfortable or content. Those feelings don't promote gorwth.
Elder Hilliard spoke about how because of our setting apart as missionaries we have the right and responsibility to represent Jesus Christ. He also talked to us about how the scriptures have a depth, height and width that we don't realize. That is why we get something new every time we read them.
Something he suggested we do to appreciate the "word" better is to read Alma 31-34 and completely ignore the verses. Treat it like a conference talk. Also replace the word seed with word. I'm excited to see what I get out of it.
Elder Nelson spoke on a few things. He also spoke about how prayer and hymns are an important combination. He said, "We forfeit strength when we doubt."
And, " When you get direction from your leaders don't put a question mark behind it, put an exclamation point behind it and the go get to work."
Also, "If you love the Lord first then your capacity to love increases. Love is vertical first."
He also told us not to be homesick. He said that he knew our parents love and miss us but he said, "Trust me, the last place they want you right now is home." Then he read D&C 31. Don't worry. I'm not homesick. I love my mission!
So no for leadership training. It was good as well. One of the first things President said was, "You haven't seen anything yet." He was referring to our missions. He said that this mission is going to see greater things than it's ever seen.
We talked about a lot of things but we seemed to talk about the word 'believe' alot. President kept asking, "Do you believe?" He said we limit ourselves too often by our unbelief.
Here are a few President Pfile quotes:
1) If we love the Lord then we will conform to His will. We will not seek to conform His will to ours.
2) I don't care how tough it gets. Dog on it...don't give up.
3) All the blessings of the Atonement can only come when we are living all of the principles of the gospel.
4) Give the Holy Ghost time to speak.
5) Be grateful for hard things...they cause you to call upon God.
6) Where there is no challenge there is no backbone.
7) There's nothing that makes you happier than work.
Those are just a few. He told us that the time is coming in this mission when we will be so busy we won't be able to keep up! He said that we'll have to ask God to magnify our time. That will be exciting!
The coolest thing about the Leadership Training was the fact that Kurtis Pugh was there! (That young man that Elder Oakes and I baptized my first transfer.) He is getting ready to go on his mission around the first of the year so he got permission to come to the training. He was answering questions, doing role plays, teaching people, and other stuff. It was so awesome. I got to talk with him for a little bit. He is doing so good.
Well, we tracted into a couple the other day in Hugoton. They are Baptists, both really nice. We taught them the Restoration and they agreed to read a pray about the Book of Mormon. We're going back to see them this Friday. I hope all goes well.
We had dinner with a less active family a couple days ago. It was a crazy dinner. The husband is anti-Mormon and the wife and daughter are Mormon. When we showed up the husband was watching Transformers and he didn't turn it off when they asked us to sit down on the couch. Luckily the daughter had two friends over so we talked to them instead of watching the movie. One of the friends was pretty quiet but the other was crazy! She was only about 12 or 13 but she could speak English, Spanish, German, Vietnamese and Cherokee! She could also very accurately mimik the sound of a dog, cat, elephant, monkey and newborn baby. She can also play the cell, piano, flute and she can sing very well. She was so smart! And very funny as well.
So one of the young women in the Hugoton ward gave us a referral. Her boyfriend. We're going to meet with him this Friday. We're super excited. She can't wait for us to talk to her boyfriend. Should be good.
Well, I better get this in the mail to you all.
Love you!
Love Elder Cryer
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
2 November 2010 Letter
Dear Family,
Whew! I don't even know where to start! I'm in the middle of a very busy few days. We just had our Zone Conference and on Sunday we'll be traveling to Colorado Springs for a mission wide fireside (200+ missionaries) and then on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I have a leadership training meeting to go to in Pueblo Colorado. Very busy! I'm really enjoying it all though.
I wanted to tell you about an experience I had the other day. We went to see some potential investigators who belong to the Church of Christ. We ended up talking with them for an hour and a half. We finally left because they both refused to pray. The part that was interesting was that he threw a ton of questions at us and we were somehow able to answer, or 'confound' him in all of his questions. The spirit gave us the words we needed. It reminded me of the promise in D&C where it tells us we won't be confounded before men.
So Ulysses ward had their ward Halloween party on Friday. We got to go in p-day clothes which was nice. They refused to let us come in a shirt and tie. They brought a fire pit and hot dogs and marshmallows. Lot's of people came in costume. They did a trunk or treat for the kids. About an hour into the party we walked up the block to invite a family to the party. Well, they were busy but they had two costumes that they told us we had to wear over there. So...we did! The kids at the party started to run away when they first saw us coming but then they changed their minds. They came running at us and attacked us! Their mission was to get the masks off of our faces. So I had to 'fight' with pirates, police, princesses, construction workers, horses, cowboys, lady bugs, vampires, skeletons and lot's more! I was wore out after about ten minutes but I kept running and 'fighting' for about thirty to forty minutes. Finally the kids tackled me and I fell down. They jumped on me and started punching me and they tore off my mask. It was pretty fun. I hate to brag but we basically made that party! The Stake President (who is in our ward) came over to us the next day and said, "You guys get enough exercise last night?!"
We all laughed. The bishops mother in law took some pictures so I'll try to send some of those if I can get a few copies.
They Ulysses ward also just had their Primary Program. It was so good. Those kids are so dang cute! I have really grown to love this ward. It feels like home! The kids were all waving at us and smiling at us during the program. It was neat.
Thanks for your letters mom and Emma. And for your e-mail dad. I did get that talk by Elder Maxwell mom but I haven't even had a chance to read it yet. I'm really looking forward to it though. I may have a little time today to do that.
I'm glad Chris is doing well. She is in my prayers! Let her know I'm thinking about her and praying for her.
Don't worry about writing about food! It doesn't bother me at all.
So, is Jackson still messing up the bark or does he stay under the porch now that it's raining? I assume it's raining a lot back home. We still haven't had rain here. It's 70 degrees and sunny right now!
So Zone Conference was awesome. The whole focus was on baptism. We talked about how we need an increased confidence and capacity to baptize. It all comes down to our mind set and our attitude.
We talked a lot about how we need to plan to baptize. President said, "If you don't plan you might as well sit at home. You'd be more productive that way because at least you won't be in the way of the Lord." That drove it home pretty well.
Something awesome happened. Our Zone Leaders had set a month of November baptism goal of 38. President said, "Elders, would you like to see something cool? I will show you how revelation works." And he did. We had the tables set up in a U shape in the gym. He started at one end and worked his way around. He asked each of us who we would baptize that month. We gave him a name and a date. The ZL's kept track of how many people we had. When President came to the end we had 38 people on the board! Then President said, "Oh, we're not done yet!" Then he went around again and again and again. New names kept coming to our minds. We were receiving revelation! After an hour or so President stopped. We had 326 names of people our Zone would baptize in this month! Just our Zone...the Garden city Stake. That's enough people for a ward! It was amazing! The spirit was flowing through that room like nothing I've ever felt. Me and Elder Moser alone have 30 people. It was a very humbling event. We have a ton of work to do this month!
Well, I better go. I love you all so much.
Love Elder Cryer
Dear Family,
Whew! I don't even know where to start! I'm in the middle of a very busy few days. We just had our Zone Conference and on Sunday we'll be traveling to Colorado Springs for a mission wide fireside (200+ missionaries) and then on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I have a leadership training meeting to go to in Pueblo Colorado. Very busy! I'm really enjoying it all though.
I wanted to tell you about an experience I had the other day. We went to see some potential investigators who belong to the Church of Christ. We ended up talking with them for an hour and a half. We finally left because they both refused to pray. The part that was interesting was that he threw a ton of questions at us and we were somehow able to answer, or 'confound' him in all of his questions. The spirit gave us the words we needed. It reminded me of the promise in D&C where it tells us we won't be confounded before men.
So Ulysses ward had their ward Halloween party on Friday. We got to go in p-day clothes which was nice. They refused to let us come in a shirt and tie. They brought a fire pit and hot dogs and marshmallows. Lot's of people came in costume. They did a trunk or treat for the kids. About an hour into the party we walked up the block to invite a family to the party. Well, they were busy but they had two costumes that they told us we had to wear over there. So...we did! The kids at the party started to run away when they first saw us coming but then they changed their minds. They came running at us and attacked us! Their mission was to get the masks off of our faces. So I had to 'fight' with pirates, police, princesses, construction workers, horses, cowboys, lady bugs, vampires, skeletons and lot's more! I was wore out after about ten minutes but I kept running and 'fighting' for about thirty to forty minutes. Finally the kids tackled me and I fell down. They jumped on me and started punching me and they tore off my mask. It was pretty fun. I hate to brag but we basically made that party! The Stake President (who is in our ward) came over to us the next day and said, "You guys get enough exercise last night?!"
We all laughed. The bishops mother in law took some pictures so I'll try to send some of those if I can get a few copies.
They Ulysses ward also just had their Primary Program. It was so good. Those kids are so dang cute! I have really grown to love this ward. It feels like home! The kids were all waving at us and smiling at us during the program. It was neat.
Thanks for your letters mom and Emma. And for your e-mail dad. I did get that talk by Elder Maxwell mom but I haven't even had a chance to read it yet. I'm really looking forward to it though. I may have a little time today to do that.
I'm glad Chris is doing well. She is in my prayers! Let her know I'm thinking about her and praying for her.
Don't worry about writing about food! It doesn't bother me at all.
So, is Jackson still messing up the bark or does he stay under the porch now that it's raining? I assume it's raining a lot back home. We still haven't had rain here. It's 70 degrees and sunny right now!
So Zone Conference was awesome. The whole focus was on baptism. We talked about how we need an increased confidence and capacity to baptize. It all comes down to our mind set and our attitude.
We talked a lot about how we need to plan to baptize. President said, "If you don't plan you might as well sit at home. You'd be more productive that way because at least you won't be in the way of the Lord." That drove it home pretty well.
Something awesome happened. Our Zone Leaders had set a month of November baptism goal of 38. President said, "Elders, would you like to see something cool? I will show you how revelation works." And he did. We had the tables set up in a U shape in the gym. He started at one end and worked his way around. He asked each of us who we would baptize that month. We gave him a name and a date. The ZL's kept track of how many people we had. When President came to the end we had 38 people on the board! Then President said, "Oh, we're not done yet!" Then he went around again and again and again. New names kept coming to our minds. We were receiving revelation! After an hour or so President stopped. We had 326 names of people our Zone would baptize in this month! Just our Zone...the Garden city Stake. That's enough people for a ward! It was amazing! The spirit was flowing through that room like nothing I've ever felt. Me and Elder Moser alone have 30 people. It was a very humbling event. We have a ton of work to do this month!
Well, I better go. I love you all so much.
Love Elder Cryer
November 2, 2010 e-mail
Dear Family!!!
How is everything going? sounds like there's not nearly enough going on in your lives! Mine is so packed right now its not even funny!!! We just had an amazing Zone Conference and I learned so much and realized how much there really is to do. I received a ton of revelation. I'll have to tell you all about it in my letter.
Only two trick-or-treater's came by huh? Man....that's more than us! We didn't have any....of course I don't blame anyone for not daring to come up to our trailer!
We went over to an investigators house on Saturday evening.
Both towns decided to do trick or treating on Saturday instead of Sunday (A lot of Christian influence I guess) which was nice I thought. I have so much candy right now. I'll probably get sick if I don't budget out how much I'll eat. That has never been much of a problem with me though! (As you all know!)
Hey Sam!!!! I'm glad you had a good birthday! It took a lot of effort on my part to get that candy to you! ;) O.K...maybe not......but that letter did take some effort!
I got a letter from Jeff Rowberry the other day telling me about Jay. That is way exciting! He doesn't have much time. The only suggestions I would have is 1) KNOW Preach My Gospel!!!! (There is still new stuff that I'm finding in it!) 2) Go out with the missionaries and pick their brains 3) Teach the lessons to friends or family 4) Read the Book of Mormon.
Those are some basic things that I wish I had done prior to leaving.
What!?!?!?! You shared my temple experience!?!?!?! How dare you!!! No, that's fine. I hope it was able to help.
Well...I know that this is a short e-mail but I'm out of time. I'll fill you in more in my letter!
Have a great week!!!
Love you all
Love Elder Cryer
Dear Family!!!
How is everything going? sounds like there's not nearly enough going on in your lives! Mine is so packed right now its not even funny!!! We just had an amazing Zone Conference and I learned so much and realized how much there really is to do. I received a ton of revelation. I'll have to tell you all about it in my letter.
Only two trick-or-treater's came by huh? Man....that's more than us! We didn't have any....of course I don't blame anyone for not daring to come up to our trailer!
We went over to an investigators house on Saturday evening.
Both towns decided to do trick or treating on Saturday instead of Sunday (A lot of Christian influence I guess) which was nice I thought. I have so much candy right now. I'll probably get sick if I don't budget out how much I'll eat. That has never been much of a problem with me though! (As you all know!)
Hey Sam!!!! I'm glad you had a good birthday! It took a lot of effort on my part to get that candy to you! ;) O.K...maybe not......but that letter did take some effort!
I got a letter from Jeff Rowberry the other day telling me about Jay. That is way exciting! He doesn't have much time. The only suggestions I would have is 1) KNOW Preach My Gospel!!!! (There is still new stuff that I'm finding in it!) 2) Go out with the missionaries and pick their brains 3) Teach the lessons to friends or family 4) Read the Book of Mormon.
Those are some basic things that I wish I had done prior to leaving.
What!?!?!?! You shared my temple experience!?!?!?! How dare you!!! No, that's fine. I hope it was able to help.
Well...I know that this is a short e-mail but I'm out of time. I'll fill you in more in my letter!
Have a great week!!!
Love you all
Love Elder Cryer
October 25, 2010 Letter
Dear Family,
I think I have a few minutes to sit down and write to you. I'm not quite sure where to begin. Ah....I guess I'll start by replying to your letters. I got one from Emma and one from mom. Oh wait...whoops. I replied to those last week! So I guess I don't have any to reply to.
Well, we met the coolest less active guy ever! We went over for the first time earlier this week and his wife and daughter were gone on a trip so we just talked with him. We talked with him for about an hour and a half and I never got bored. He is such a good story teller. I told him that I was from Oregon and then he told us about a road trip he took as a teen which took him to Oregon for the first time. He told us about his trip to the Redwoods, his first concert, his first time surfing, his first trip to San Francisco, and lots more. He is such a neat guy! He's seen a lot. He also told us about his conversion story. He said that a friend gave him a Book of Mormon to read. He told his friend that he didn't want it. His friend said, "I know you don't. Just read it and we'll talk later." So he took it and his friend said, "Read the book and then come to me and disprove it with your Bible."
So he read it the first time to disprove it. The he read it again and learned a few things and saw that the Book of Mormon helps to clarify the Bible. Then the third time he read it he prayed before he read and he became converted. He went to his friend and his friend asked, "You ready to disprove it?"
He said, "No...I just need to be baptized."
It was such a neat conversion story. I wish that I could have recorded the whole thing!
We went back a few days later and his wife and daughter were back. We got to meet his daughter. She is thirteen. She's a neat girl...very friendly. She played a few songs on the piano.
We went by again last night and we finally got to meet his wife. She doesn't like Mormons but she gave us raspberry lemonade and popcorn. It was good. We are trying to reactivate him and hopefully teach his wife and daughter.
So we have a new district leader. His name is Elder Melville. He actually served here in Ulysses right before me. I'm the Elder that replaced him.
There is another less active family that we've been working with and the daughter just turned eight and was having a birthday party and she invited us so we told her we'd be there. I told her that I'd bring her present. That's a long story!...but basically she owed me a Twix and I owed her a present so I got her a King-size Twix and wrapped it up and put in in a box...then put that box in a bigger box...then put those boxes in a bigger box! Then I colored it and taped it shut and then wrote a note on it:
Here's a birthday gift for the gift I never got
Either I have been forgotten or the gift has been forgot
I hope this sets things straight, I don't want to bear complaint
Happy birthday Joslyn, have fun being eight!
The I signed it. Her mom loved it. Joslyn thought it was funny. Then we all ate cake and ice-cream.
We also got to see a long-time potential investigator that we've been trying to see for a while. We had a very spiritual lesson with her. Her daughter was doing homework when we started teaching but by the end she was listening. She really wants to learn. I'm excited to teach them.
So I think I told you about our phone exploding...well, not working at least. Anyway...we got a new battery for it today. It's been really hard without it for the past week and a half. It's good to have a phone again.
Well, I think those are the up-dates from Kansas. Oh, wait...I just went out to check the mail and guess what I found!?!?! A letter from Emma and also a surprise letter from Sam inside!
Well Emma, I think your idea is a good should all just move out here! Actually I'm excited to see all the changes that the house has gone through. It sounds like you've been kept pretty busy with all the different projects! So how are you enjoying Seminary? Are you in the Doctrine and Covenants this year?
How is Nimblerod doing? Has he moved or is he still 'hanging around'? (a spider outside our living room window)
So you've been learning how to dance huh! I remember when I did that at a youth activity. Let's just say I'm glad your enjoying it. I'll leave it at that!
And now for Sam! I suppose I can forgive you for not writing in a while. I'm glad that you were able to find a few minutes to write.
Man, National Safety week sounds pretty eventful! I wonder if any of those kids will actually need to ever use the information they learned! I bet they did enjoy the chance to run around for a little bit.
It sounds like you're on a roll with your college! How much longer until you get your Associates Degree? You'll be there way before me! You've left me in the dust!
I know what you mean about it being harder to have to do assignments with other people and having your grade affected by how well they do. I had to deal with that a lot in my film and lighting classes. Hopefully your groups are good ones.
As for the girls in, there was not a power outage, thank you very much! They could see my beautiful complexion perfectly well!
So did you end up going to the temple? I can't wait until I can go more than once a year! It is such a great place to be.
I thought I was coming down sick about a week ago but it only lasted a day. I think it may have been allergies or something.
So, my room is being used as storage huh? Well, I'm glad that it's being put to use!
Well, I had better head off. I want to make sure I have this in the mail to you on time and the mailman should be by in just a few minutes. Love you all. Have a great week!
Love Elder Cryer
Dear Family,
I think I have a few minutes to sit down and write to you. I'm not quite sure where to begin. Ah....I guess I'll start by replying to your letters. I got one from Emma and one from mom. Oh wait...whoops. I replied to those last week! So I guess I don't have any to reply to.
Well, we met the coolest less active guy ever! We went over for the first time earlier this week and his wife and daughter were gone on a trip so we just talked with him. We talked with him for about an hour and a half and I never got bored. He is such a good story teller. I told him that I was from Oregon and then he told us about a road trip he took as a teen which took him to Oregon for the first time. He told us about his trip to the Redwoods, his first concert, his first time surfing, his first trip to San Francisco, and lots more. He is such a neat guy! He's seen a lot. He also told us about his conversion story. He said that a friend gave him a Book of Mormon to read. He told his friend that he didn't want it. His friend said, "I know you don't. Just read it and we'll talk later." So he took it and his friend said, "Read the book and then come to me and disprove it with your Bible."
So he read it the first time to disprove it. The he read it again and learned a few things and saw that the Book of Mormon helps to clarify the Bible. Then the third time he read it he prayed before he read and he became converted. He went to his friend and his friend asked, "You ready to disprove it?"
He said, "No...I just need to be baptized."
It was such a neat conversion story. I wish that I could have recorded the whole thing!
We went back a few days later and his wife and daughter were back. We got to meet his daughter. She is thirteen. She's a neat girl...very friendly. She played a few songs on the piano.
We went by again last night and we finally got to meet his wife. She doesn't like Mormons but she gave us raspberry lemonade and popcorn. It was good. We are trying to reactivate him and hopefully teach his wife and daughter.
So we have a new district leader. His name is Elder Melville. He actually served here in Ulysses right before me. I'm the Elder that replaced him.
There is another less active family that we've been working with and the daughter just turned eight and was having a birthday party and she invited us so we told her we'd be there. I told her that I'd bring her present. That's a long story!...but basically she owed me a Twix and I owed her a present so I got her a King-size Twix and wrapped it up and put in in a box...then put that box in a bigger box...then put those boxes in a bigger box! Then I colored it and taped it shut and then wrote a note on it:
Here's a birthday gift for the gift I never got
Either I have been forgotten or the gift has been forgot
I hope this sets things straight, I don't want to bear complaint
Happy birthday Joslyn, have fun being eight!
The I signed it. Her mom loved it. Joslyn thought it was funny. Then we all ate cake and ice-cream.
We also got to see a long-time potential investigator that we've been trying to see for a while. We had a very spiritual lesson with her. Her daughter was doing homework when we started teaching but by the end she was listening. She really wants to learn. I'm excited to teach them.
So I think I told you about our phone exploding...well, not working at least. Anyway...we got a new battery for it today. It's been really hard without it for the past week and a half. It's good to have a phone again.
Well, I think those are the up-dates from Kansas. Oh, wait...I just went out to check the mail and guess what I found!?!?! A letter from Emma and also a surprise letter from Sam inside!
Well Emma, I think your idea is a good should all just move out here! Actually I'm excited to see all the changes that the house has gone through. It sounds like you've been kept pretty busy with all the different projects! So how are you enjoying Seminary? Are you in the Doctrine and Covenants this year?
How is Nimblerod doing? Has he moved or is he still 'hanging around'? (a spider outside our living room window)
So you've been learning how to dance huh! I remember when I did that at a youth activity. Let's just say I'm glad your enjoying it. I'll leave it at that!
And now for Sam! I suppose I can forgive you for not writing in a while. I'm glad that you were able to find a few minutes to write.
Man, National Safety week sounds pretty eventful! I wonder if any of those kids will actually need to ever use the information they learned! I bet they did enjoy the chance to run around for a little bit.
It sounds like you're on a roll with your college! How much longer until you get your Associates Degree? You'll be there way before me! You've left me in the dust!
I know what you mean about it being harder to have to do assignments with other people and having your grade affected by how well they do. I had to deal with that a lot in my film and lighting classes. Hopefully your groups are good ones.
As for the girls in, there was not a power outage, thank you very much! They could see my beautiful complexion perfectly well!
So did you end up going to the temple? I can't wait until I can go more than once a year! It is such a great place to be.
I thought I was coming down sick about a week ago but it only lasted a day. I think it may have been allergies or something.
So, my room is being used as storage huh? Well, I'm glad that it's being put to use!
Well, I had better head off. I want to make sure I have this in the mail to you on time and the mailman should be by in just a few minutes. Love you all. Have a great week!
Love Elder Cryer
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
oCTOBER 25, 2010 E-MAIL
Hey everyone!!!
I'm glad to hear that the XD card made it home safe. Sorry I didn't do a picture index for this batch but that's just way too much work! I'll be happy to explain in about a year! did tell me the story about Jeff and the money and pretzels. I was surprised to find that the two stories matched up pretty dang close! I guess it must all be true! :) That story cracks me up...and that letter that Jeff wrote is hilarious!
So the carpets have been cleaned huh? From what I saw in the pictures the house looks great! I really like the wood floor! I'm glad that Emma was able to find herself a soft spot to sit! That picture looks just like something that Emma would do!
That's neat about Carson's first blessing. I know how he feels! I remember the first few blessings I gave I was so nervous. My knees were louder than the spirit I think! I remember when I first came on my mission I was being asked to give blessings left and right. I always hoped that I could just do the anointing but my wise mission father (That's what we call the Elder who trains us) made sure I gave the blessing.....every time! At the time I was not grateful but now that I look back I am so glad that he gave me that opportunity because now I feel much more comfortable about doing it and I have learned how to give blessings that are directed by the spirit. I think that's awesome that Carson got to give his mom that blessing.
Wow....Jay is going to Brazil! That's great! I bet he's excited. Is he asking Jed all sorts of questions? I hope everything with his visa goes smooth.
So much money are you willing to put on the guess that I get transferred next transfer?! :) No....I really hope that I stay here through the holidays. Elder Moser is sure we're both staying another transfer! It will be interesting to see what happens. You're right though. I am really really going to miss these people here whenever I do get transferred. Ulysses just feels like the place I'm supposed to be!
Don't worry...I have already started checking about getting a flu shot. I should be getting it this week. I would have gotten it this last Saturday but that part of the hospital was closed that day. I can get one Monday through Friday though. Thanks for the encouragement...I will make sure to get it done. :)
You asked how my clothes are holding up. suits actually are doing great. I just had the one I wear the most dry-cleaned and it came out very well. As for my pants.....they are still wearable! They have a few holes in the pockets that I need to sew up and the belt loops are starting to give me the idea they might not be there much longer! I've done a bit of sewing on them over the past year! Really the most visible wear on them though is the fading of the color from the sunlight. I can buy a dye at Wal-mart for a few bucks that I throw in the washer with the pants and I think I may give that a try. I may need new tracting pants soon though. I've already replaced my belt so I'm good there.
Things continue to go good out here. We have two people with a date right now for the early part of November.
Today it finally cooled down to about 60ish degrees. It feels really nice.
Yesterday in the Hugoton branch we went to Primary and helped them get ready
for their Primary program. It was a blast! The kids practiced singing loud and then we judged them on it. After the first hour of practice we all went outside and played tag! Its not every Sunday that you get to play tag with the Primary! Then the second hour they went back inside and continued to practice while we went to Priesthood. It was great. I think when I get off my mission I'm just going to go to Primary!
Well.....we have a busy day today. You know....P-days are the most hectic, un-relaxing days of the week! I hope I'll have time to write to you about everything I want to write about. If not I guess I'll save it until next weeks letter.
Have a great day...and a great week!
Love ya
Love Elder Cryer.
18 October 2010 Letter
Dear Family,
Well, this week hasn't been the most eventful week ever. I did predict transfers correctly. By the end of this transfer I will have been here in Ulysses/Hugoton for seven months. That's a decent amount of time. I hope I'm here through Christmas and New Years. Only time will tell.
So on Saturday we went down to the church to make a few phone calls because our phone had died. Well, when we got there we saw a few cars outside and a BBQ that was smoking. We went in to see what was going on. We soon found out that the Activity Day girls (all two of them) were putting on a lunch for their parents and the Branch President. They told us that they were eating in two hours if we wanted to come back. Of course we aren't going to pass up an opportunity like that! So we went back in two hours and ate with them. The girls took us to our seats and took our orders. We had a salad for the pre-meal watcha-ma-callit and then we had lemon pepper chicken, corn, and a huge baked potato. Then they served us raspberry pie, vanilla ice-cream and whipped cream for dessert. They made Elder Moser put cream on his own pie but they put mine on for me. I guess we know who they like better!
Well Mom and Emma, I got your letters this week! Thanks so much!
It sounds like Carson has been keeping you all well supplied with bread pudding! He must like to make that. Man, a homemade chocolate cream pie sounds so good right now. I haven't had a real one since I've been gone. I've had a few fake ones but that doesn't quite compare!
I'm glad to hear that Chris is doing well. She has been a part of my prayers and she will for sure continue to be. I'll be praying that her surgery goes well on December 1st.
Well, to answer your Halloween question Emma...The Ulysses ward is having a ward activity on the 29th of October that we'll go to. Then the Hugoton Branch has an activity on the 30th that we'll go to as well. Then on Halloween itself we will go to church of course, have a regular day and then we need to be in by 6 o-clock. So I guess we'll just hang out, play games, hand out candy, stuff like that.
Well, your ATV trip with the Hawes's sounds really fun! I have been ATVing before when I went to Carson's grandparents house for spring break. It's way fun. We'll have to do that sometime when I get back.
Just for fun I decided to look back to my mission planner a year ago to see what I was doing on October 18, 2009. It was weird because when I looked at it I could actually remember that day! It brought back good memories! It was a Sunday and we had nine investigators at church. Speaking of investigators...we have one family right now who is an awesome family! The husband is a pilot and the wife is way funny and the kids are awesome. The only problem is that they are super busy and so it's hard to get a hold of them. It will all work out though.
We have a few other potential investigators but it's too soon to know where they're at.
Well, today has been the coolest day we've had in a while. It's about 60-65 degrees I guess. From what I hear it usually gets cold around Halloween, but I've also heard that they sometimes have 70-80 degree Thanksgiving and Christmas days. No one seems to really know.
Well, that's about all the news I can think of from my neck of the woods.
Take care, Love ya.
Love Elder Cryer
Dear Family,
Well, this week hasn't been the most eventful week ever. I did predict transfers correctly. By the end of this transfer I will have been here in Ulysses/Hugoton for seven months. That's a decent amount of time. I hope I'm here through Christmas and New Years. Only time will tell.
So on Saturday we went down to the church to make a few phone calls because our phone had died. Well, when we got there we saw a few cars outside and a BBQ that was smoking. We went in to see what was going on. We soon found out that the Activity Day girls (all two of them) were putting on a lunch for their parents and the Branch President. They told us that they were eating in two hours if we wanted to come back. Of course we aren't going to pass up an opportunity like that! So we went back in two hours and ate with them. The girls took us to our seats and took our orders. We had a salad for the pre-meal watcha-ma-callit and then we had lemon pepper chicken, corn, and a huge baked potato. Then they served us raspberry pie, vanilla ice-cream and whipped cream for dessert. They made Elder Moser put cream on his own pie but they put mine on for me. I guess we know who they like better!
Well Mom and Emma, I got your letters this week! Thanks so much!
It sounds like Carson has been keeping you all well supplied with bread pudding! He must like to make that. Man, a homemade chocolate cream pie sounds so good right now. I haven't had a real one since I've been gone. I've had a few fake ones but that doesn't quite compare!
I'm glad to hear that Chris is doing well. She has been a part of my prayers and she will for sure continue to be. I'll be praying that her surgery goes well on December 1st.
Well, to answer your Halloween question Emma...The Ulysses ward is having a ward activity on the 29th of October that we'll go to. Then the Hugoton Branch has an activity on the 30th that we'll go to as well. Then on Halloween itself we will go to church of course, have a regular day and then we need to be in by 6 o-clock. So I guess we'll just hang out, play games, hand out candy, stuff like that.
Well, your ATV trip with the Hawes's sounds really fun! I have been ATVing before when I went to Carson's grandparents house for spring break. It's way fun. We'll have to do that sometime when I get back.
Just for fun I decided to look back to my mission planner a year ago to see what I was doing on October 18, 2009. It was weird because when I looked at it I could actually remember that day! It brought back good memories! It was a Sunday and we had nine investigators at church. Speaking of investigators...we have one family right now who is an awesome family! The husband is a pilot and the wife is way funny and the kids are awesome. The only problem is that they are super busy and so it's hard to get a hold of them. It will all work out though.
We have a few other potential investigators but it's too soon to know where they're at.
Well, today has been the coolest day we've had in a while. It's about 60-65 degrees I guess. From what I hear it usually gets cold around Halloween, but I've also heard that they sometimes have 70-80 degree Thanksgiving and Christmas days. No one seems to really know.
Well, that's about all the news I can think of from my neck of the woods.
Take care, Love ya.
Love Elder Cryer
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Oct 18, 2010 e-mail
Hey guys!
So guess what? I have ANOTHER six weeks in Ulysses and Hugoton! I'm going to be here for Thanksgiving! That means I will be here for over six months! Pretty crazy huh?!?!?
I'm still serving with Elder Moser as well. He has never served with anyone more that two transfers (roughly 3 months) until now. This will be the third transfer (roughly 4.5 months) serving with me. I'm looking forward to another six weeks here. I wonder if I'll make it until Christmas? :)
Well....This weeks been good. "F.M" got confirmed! He went three weeks between baptism and confirmation due to General Conference and Stake Conference. We were a bit worried! It all worked out great though.
This last Friday and Saturday we were down in Hugoton. On Saturday we were riding our bikes around talking to people. We saw a group of young guys playing basketball. We decided we'd see if they were up for a challenge. They were. So we played a few rounds of basketball with them and then we talked to them about who Jesus is. It was neat. Then later on we were riding and saw another group of guys playing football. We decided we'd go show them how real football is played! It was fun. We played a while and then it got dark and so they had to head off and so we gave them each a "I'm a Mormon" "" card. Speaking of you guys have those new cards back home? If so, how are they working there? They seem to be a huge success in Colorado Springs.
So the landlords winterized our trailer in Hugoton. They have that place sealed up like nothing I've ever seen. There is plastic and duct tape everywhere! Well....the swamp cooler is all we have to cool that place down when its hot and they have it all wrapped and taped up and when we went down to Hugoton this last weekend it was about 80 degrees outside and 90 degrees in our trailer with no way to cool it down. So it was pretty miserable. It the evening we put fans outside the door and blew in all the cool air that we could (and a few bugs!) That trailer is the only downfall to Hugoton.
So you know how you sent me that little matchbox version of a Shelby GT 500 car. Well we were talking to this one guy the other day and he got to showing us a ton of road and mountain bikes that he's built and he took us into his garage and there was a Shelby GT 500. Same colors and everything. Man was it a pretty car! I fell in love with it instantly. I'm going to take my matchbox version to him and see if he wants to trade!
Well.....our cell phone exploded the other day so we've been without a phone for three days. Its been a bit difficult. I didn't realize how dependent we are on the phone! Hopefully we'll be getting another one soon.
Well...last P-day we went to the local Museum. I thought I'd throw in a few pictures from our trip. It was neat to walk around and see a little of the history of where I'm serving. We spent about two hours walking around.
So we were driving the other day and we drove past a yard sale so we decided to stop and see what they had. They had two pairs of cowboy boots but unfortunately they were both size ten. Elder Moser ended up getting both of them for $5.00. Not bad huh?!?! :) Now he's got just about the whole outfit!
Well I guess I'd better run. Enjoy the pics!
Love you all a ton
Love Elder Cryer
Hey guys!
So guess what? I have ANOTHER six weeks in Ulysses and Hugoton! I'm going to be here for Thanksgiving! That means I will be here for over six months! Pretty crazy huh?!?!?
I'm still serving with Elder Moser as well. He has never served with anyone more that two transfers (roughly 3 months) until now. This will be the third transfer (roughly 4.5 months) serving with me. I'm looking forward to another six weeks here. I wonder if I'll make it until Christmas? :)
Well....This weeks been good. "F.M" got confirmed! He went three weeks between baptism and confirmation due to General Conference and Stake Conference. We were a bit worried! It all worked out great though.
This last Friday and Saturday we were down in Hugoton. On Saturday we were riding our bikes around talking to people. We saw a group of young guys playing basketball. We decided we'd see if they were up for a challenge. They were. So we played a few rounds of basketball with them and then we talked to them about who Jesus is. It was neat. Then later on we were riding and saw another group of guys playing football. We decided we'd go show them how real football is played! It was fun. We played a while and then it got dark and so they had to head off and so we gave them each a "I'm a Mormon" "" card. Speaking of you guys have those new cards back home? If so, how are they working there? They seem to be a huge success in Colorado Springs.
So the landlords winterized our trailer in Hugoton. They have that place sealed up like nothing I've ever seen. There is plastic and duct tape everywhere! Well....the swamp cooler is all we have to cool that place down when its hot and they have it all wrapped and taped up and when we went down to Hugoton this last weekend it was about 80 degrees outside and 90 degrees in our trailer with no way to cool it down. So it was pretty miserable. It the evening we put fans outside the door and blew in all the cool air that we could (and a few bugs!) That trailer is the only downfall to Hugoton.
So you know how you sent me that little matchbox version of a Shelby GT 500 car. Well we were talking to this one guy the other day and he got to showing us a ton of road and mountain bikes that he's built and he took us into his garage and there was a Shelby GT 500. Same colors and everything. Man was it a pretty car! I fell in love with it instantly. I'm going to take my matchbox version to him and see if he wants to trade!
Well.....our cell phone exploded the other day so we've been without a phone for three days. Its been a bit difficult. I didn't realize how dependent we are on the phone! Hopefully we'll be getting another one soon.
Well...last P-day we went to the local Museum. I thought I'd throw in a few pictures from our trip. It was neat to walk around and see a little of the history of where I'm serving. We spent about two hours walking around.
So we were driving the other day and we drove past a yard sale so we decided to stop and see what they had. They had two pairs of cowboy boots but unfortunately they were both size ten. Elder Moser ended up getting both of them for $5.00. Not bad huh?!?! :) Now he's got just about the whole outfit!
Well I guess I'd better run. Enjoy the pics!
Love you all a ton
Love Elder Cryer
October 12, 2010 Letter
Dear Family,
Well, I'm still alive. I have done more driving than anything lately. When I drove up to Colorado Springs for my Temple trip I drove with Elder Summers...from my original MTC group. It took about five hours to drive there. On the way I saw a DQ and so I had to stop and get myself a blizzard. I had been craving one of those for about six months! It tasted good.
It felt so good to be back in the temple. It felt like home as I walked into the Celestial Room. For the first two hours I did Initiatory work and then we all went through a session. As I sat in the Celestial Room I had such a strong feeling come over me..."What would I give to have everyone I've baptized and everyone I'm teaching here in this room with me right now?" I wanted them all there so bad. I had such a feeling of love for each one of them.
After the session we went to the cafeteria and ate a steak dinner. It was really pretty good. Then we drove back to Springs and went to the mission home. We stayed up for a bit and talked with President and Sister Pfile about the day and what we learned. The biggest thing I came away with was looking at my investigators with temple white on...not just baptism white. We can't forget why we're baptizing.
When we went to bed we all slept in the same spots that we slept in a year ago! It was like a deja vu moment! Le's start all over!
In the morning we got up, cleaned up, ate breakfast, and then bore our testimonies and began our five hour trip back to Garden City where we had interviews.
Well, today of course is P-day. We went to the Ulysses Museum today and walked around. I got a bunch of pictures. It was interesting.
We have transfers coming up pretty soon. I'll find out on the 18th if I'm staying or going. I really hope I get to stay at least one more transfer. I have a feeling I will but I'm not sure.
We just found a new guy to teach the other day. His name is Jeff. He's probably in his late 20's. He seems like a cool guy. He asked some very good questions and gave good thought to the questions we asked him. He said he would for sure read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We're going back tonight to see how he feels.
We're also working with a few others but they're struggling with commitment.
So, we were tracting earlier this week and we found a yard sale and so we looked around for a couple minutes and I found a pair of shoes! They were only one dollar! When I went to pay for them the guy insisted that I just take them. He said, "You already do so much for us and this town by being out doing what your deserve another pair of shoes." So I got a free pair of shoes!
Well, not much else is new. I cut my hair again for the millionth time! It looks dang good!
Well, I better get this in the mail before it's too late! Love you all!
Love Elder Cryer
P.S. Have a great week!
Dear Family,
Well, I'm still alive. I have done more driving than anything lately. When I drove up to Colorado Springs for my Temple trip I drove with Elder Summers...from my original MTC group. It took about five hours to drive there. On the way I saw a DQ and so I had to stop and get myself a blizzard. I had been craving one of those for about six months! It tasted good.
It felt so good to be back in the temple. It felt like home as I walked into the Celestial Room. For the first two hours I did Initiatory work and then we all went through a session. As I sat in the Celestial Room I had such a strong feeling come over me..."What would I give to have everyone I've baptized and everyone I'm teaching here in this room with me right now?" I wanted them all there so bad. I had such a feeling of love for each one of them.
After the session we went to the cafeteria and ate a steak dinner. It was really pretty good. Then we drove back to Springs and went to the mission home. We stayed up for a bit and talked with President and Sister Pfile about the day and what we learned. The biggest thing I came away with was looking at my investigators with temple white on...not just baptism white. We can't forget why we're baptizing.
When we went to bed we all slept in the same spots that we slept in a year ago! It was like a deja vu moment! Le's start all over!
In the morning we got up, cleaned up, ate breakfast, and then bore our testimonies and began our five hour trip back to Garden City where we had interviews.
Well, today of course is P-day. We went to the Ulysses Museum today and walked around. I got a bunch of pictures. It was interesting.
We have transfers coming up pretty soon. I'll find out on the 18th if I'm staying or going. I really hope I get to stay at least one more transfer. I have a feeling I will but I'm not sure.
We just found a new guy to teach the other day. His name is Jeff. He's probably in his late 20's. He seems like a cool guy. He asked some very good questions and gave good thought to the questions we asked him. He said he would for sure read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We're going back tonight to see how he feels.
We're also working with a few others but they're struggling with commitment.
So, we were tracting earlier this week and we found a yard sale and so we looked around for a couple minutes and I found a pair of shoes! They were only one dollar! When I went to pay for them the guy insisted that I just take them. He said, "You already do so much for us and this town by being out doing what your deserve another pair of shoes." So I got a free pair of shoes!
Well, not much else is new. I cut my hair again for the millionth time! It looks dang good!
Well, I better get this in the mail before it's too late! Love you all!
Love Elder Cryer
P.S. Have a great week!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Oct 12, 2010 e-mail

Dear everybody! Well...Happy Columbus Day! That is the reason that I didn't e-mail yesterday. Did I throw off your schedule by e-mailing on Tuesday?
Well last week was a good week! As I'm sure you remember (maybe!) I went to the Denver Temple this week in celebration of my groups one year mark. It was such a great experience. We had quite a large group that went. I put a picture on this e-mail so you could see everyone!
So you went to the coast again?!?!? It looks like a great time. You know, that reminds me...This last Sunday we had Stake Conference and I was talking to this one girl....(actually in all actuality it was her talking to me. She wouldn't stop!)....but anyways she was telling me about a trip that she had gone on and she said, "...and we went to.......oh...ummm...we went to....hmmm....what was that thing called......ohhhh.....ocean! We went to the ocean....that's what it was called!"
I couldn't help but feel sorry for this poor deprived girl. She couldn't even remember what the name of the ocean was! People here in Kansas just don't get the chance to see the ocean like we do on the coast. She is about thirteen and she has only been to the ocean once in her life. Oddly enough I believe that she went to that one beach we've been to on the west coast that has the ship half buried in the sand right off the coast. That's what it sounded like from what she was explaining to me. Anyway...I thought you might enjoy hearing that.
So has the rain set in for good now? Its still sunny here! Although it has started to cool down. We're down to the mid 70's to mid 80's. There was a pretty decent sized lightning storm out east of us last Friday.
So yesterday I think that the City of Ulysses had a glitch on their electric board because the bars went down and started flashing on the railroad tracks when there was no train in either direction. (We just went around the bars and across the tracks along with all the cars doing the same!) And the tornado alarm went off twice and there was no sign of a tornado anywhere! It was a little creepy though. I kept hoping I'd finally get to see a tornado! I guess not yet!
So you got to do PMG training. I bet that was good. I get to go to a three day, thirty hour training in springs in November dealing with the new simplified curriculum. Its going to be long but I'm looking forward to it.
Well it sounds like Carson is well on his way to getting his call! That's neat. So has the game of Boggle been played yet? I wonder who will win?!
Well. I had better get headed out. I will write today and try and give you a few more details about the week!
Love you all tons!
Love Elder Cryer.
P.S. This little squirrel let us get so close to him! I thought Emma especially would like this picture!
Dear everybody! Well...Happy Columbus Day! That is the reason that I didn't e-mail yesterday. Did I throw off your schedule by e-mailing on Tuesday?
Well last week was a good week! As I'm sure you remember (maybe!) I went to the Denver Temple this week in celebration of my groups one year mark. It was such a great experience. We had quite a large group that went. I put a picture on this e-mail so you could see everyone!
So you went to the coast again?!?!? It looks like a great time. You know, that reminds me...This last Sunday we had Stake Conference and I was talking to this one girl....(actually in all actuality it was her talking to me. She wouldn't stop!)....but anyways she was telling me about a trip that she had gone on and she said, "...and we went to.......oh...ummm...we went to....hmmm....what was that thing called......ohhhh.....ocean! We went to the ocean....that's what it was called!"
I couldn't help but feel sorry for this poor deprived girl. She couldn't even remember what the name of the ocean was! People here in Kansas just don't get the chance to see the ocean like we do on the coast. She is about thirteen and she has only been to the ocean once in her life. Oddly enough I believe that she went to that one beach we've been to on the west coast that has the ship half buried in the sand right off the coast. That's what it sounded like from what she was explaining to me. Anyway...I thought you might enjoy hearing that.
So has the rain set in for good now? Its still sunny here! Although it has started to cool down. We're down to the mid 70's to mid 80's. There was a pretty decent sized lightning storm out east of us last Friday.
So yesterday I think that the City of Ulysses had a glitch on their electric board because the bars went down and started flashing on the railroad tracks when there was no train in either direction. (We just went around the bars and across the tracks along with all the cars doing the same!) And the tornado alarm went off twice and there was no sign of a tornado anywhere! It was a little creepy though. I kept hoping I'd finally get to see a tornado! I guess not yet!
So you got to do PMG training. I bet that was good. I get to go to a three day, thirty hour training in springs in November dealing with the new simplified curriculum. Its going to be long but I'm looking forward to it.
Well it sounds like Carson is well on his way to getting his call! That's neat. So has the game of Boggle been played yet? I wonder who will win?!
Well. I had better get headed out. I will write today and try and give you a few more details about the week!
Love you all tons!
Love Elder Cryer.
P.S. This little squirrel let us get so close to him! I thought Emma especially would like this picture!
10-4-2010 letter
Dear Family,
I enjoyed getting your letter mom. That's neat that you got to attend that baptism. It's always nice when there's good member support at baptisms. Was he a child of record baptism or had the missionaries taught him?
Mmmm...a chocolate frappe sounds really good! Actually it would have a few weeks ago but believe it or not it's actually starting to cool down here! It's been in the 70's and 80's during the day. Feels good!
Well, I'm glad that you're all enjoying bearing your testimony every month. I've really enjoyed it. I feel like I've grown a lot just by bearing it. By telling people what you believe you start to be more convicted in your own belief. It's a cool process.
What? Natalie is 16? Are you sure? That's so weird! I can still see her and Emma playing make-believe in the living room. And Natalie crying when her mom would come to pick her up. Well Emma, I can't wait to hear all about your trip. That sounds like a very fun trip.
I think I told you about the goals for the last half of my mission in my last letter. Let me know if I didn't.
So mom, your goal sounds like a good one. A hard one to develop as well! (At least for me!!) Especially to get it to become a natural thing like you were talking about. How are you going about developing it?
Well, you asked about N and how her baptism came about. Well, after she got back from her 'family emergency' we went over and asked what had happened. She said that she really did have a family emergency but also she really just didn't feel ready. As we continued to talk with her we found out what her concerns were. Over the next week we went over to her house every day and really helped her feel ready for her baptism. She was ready when the next Sunday came around. Then the following Sunday was the day for her confirmation. When we went by she was having a very hectic day. She said that today wouldn't work. We explained why it was so important for her to do it that day. With a little explaining and prodding we finally got her to agree to come.
It has taken a year...well a little less... to figure out that there is no perfectly smooth conversion process. There must needs be opposition in all things definitely applies to every individuals conversion process. The adversary always throws road blocks in the way, every time, without fail. Which makes sense because these people are about to enter onto the straight and narrow path. They are about to receive the Holy Ghost and 'have it with them at all times'. Of course he would want to stop that. But we also know that the power of God has a greater affect and power on people. So as long as they want to they can choose what they know is true.
So, that's N's story.
Well, lets see...what else is new? Oh, funny story.
So the other day we were in Wal-mart picking up a few needed items. We were standing in an isle when these four girls walked by and then stopped as they passed us and said, "Both of you are named Elder?"
I said, "Yeah, that's crazy isn't it?!...No, actually it's a title."
"Oh, O.K." they said, and kept walking and then they said, with a slightly confused expression, "A title for what?"
We explained that we were missionaries and what we were out talking about. Then, trying desperately to get these girls to move on we said, "Here...we'll give you each a card." So we handed each of them a Salt Lake Temple pass-along card. They took them and then we all went our separate ways. Well, for a second anyway. About a minute later I got a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there was one of the four girls with the other three not far behind her. She said, "I'm friend is mental and she was wondering if you had a different picture."
So I gave her a different one. She thanked me and then they left. Don't you wish the story was over? Well, I wish I could say it was...but it's not.
So about 5 minutes later we get cornered by three new girls! (I'm thinking: "What's going on? Am I really that good looking?!!:)
Well, once they cornered us they asked, "Are you the guys handing out the pictures of the castle?"
We told them that it actually wasn't a castle but that it was a temple. Then we gave each of them a card and made them promise that they would call the number on it (that will hook them up to the referral center at the MTC) and then we asked, "Where are all you girls from? Are you all together?"
They told us that they were from Colorado Springs and they were down for a volleyball tournament. We wished them a good stay in Kansas and then we left Wal-mart as quick as we could! It was very amusing but a little awkward because we had a few people looking at us wondering why we were always surrounded by girls when we were shopping! It was funny.
Well, it looks like I'll be cutting Elder Mosers hair today. Wish me luck....and him!
Well, I better let you go. I love you all. I hope to hear that you had a great week.
Love you
Love Elder Cryer
P.S. By the week just got less hectic because I found out that the team ups in Liberal were canceled. Sweet!
Dear Family,
I enjoyed getting your letter mom. That's neat that you got to attend that baptism. It's always nice when there's good member support at baptisms. Was he a child of record baptism or had the missionaries taught him?
Mmmm...a chocolate frappe sounds really good! Actually it would have a few weeks ago but believe it or not it's actually starting to cool down here! It's been in the 70's and 80's during the day. Feels good!
Well, I'm glad that you're all enjoying bearing your testimony every month. I've really enjoyed it. I feel like I've grown a lot just by bearing it. By telling people what you believe you start to be more convicted in your own belief. It's a cool process.
What? Natalie is 16? Are you sure? That's so weird! I can still see her and Emma playing make-believe in the living room. And Natalie crying when her mom would come to pick her up. Well Emma, I can't wait to hear all about your trip. That sounds like a very fun trip.
I think I told you about the goals for the last half of my mission in my last letter. Let me know if I didn't.
So mom, your goal sounds like a good one. A hard one to develop as well! (At least for me!!) Especially to get it to become a natural thing like you were talking about. How are you going about developing it?
Well, you asked about N and how her baptism came about. Well, after she got back from her 'family emergency' we went over and asked what had happened. She said that she really did have a family emergency but also she really just didn't feel ready. As we continued to talk with her we found out what her concerns were. Over the next week we went over to her house every day and really helped her feel ready for her baptism. She was ready when the next Sunday came around. Then the following Sunday was the day for her confirmation. When we went by she was having a very hectic day. She said that today wouldn't work. We explained why it was so important for her to do it that day. With a little explaining and prodding we finally got her to agree to come.
It has taken a year...well a little less... to figure out that there is no perfectly smooth conversion process. There must needs be opposition in all things definitely applies to every individuals conversion process. The adversary always throws road blocks in the way, every time, without fail. Which makes sense because these people are about to enter onto the straight and narrow path. They are about to receive the Holy Ghost and 'have it with them at all times'. Of course he would want to stop that. But we also know that the power of God has a greater affect and power on people. So as long as they want to they can choose what they know is true.
So, that's N's story.
Well, lets see...what else is new? Oh, funny story.
So the other day we were in Wal-mart picking up a few needed items. We were standing in an isle when these four girls walked by and then stopped as they passed us and said, "Both of you are named Elder?"
I said, "Yeah, that's crazy isn't it?!...No, actually it's a title."
"Oh, O.K." they said, and kept walking and then they said, with a slightly confused expression, "A title for what?"
We explained that we were missionaries and what we were out talking about. Then, trying desperately to get these girls to move on we said, "Here...we'll give you each a card." So we handed each of them a Salt Lake Temple pass-along card. They took them and then we all went our separate ways. Well, for a second anyway. About a minute later I got a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there was one of the four girls with the other three not far behind her. She said, "I'm friend is mental and she was wondering if you had a different picture."
So I gave her a different one. She thanked me and then they left. Don't you wish the story was over? Well, I wish I could say it was...but it's not.
So about 5 minutes later we get cornered by three new girls! (I'm thinking: "What's going on? Am I really that good looking?!!:)
Well, once they cornered us they asked, "Are you the guys handing out the pictures of the castle?"
We told them that it actually wasn't a castle but that it was a temple. Then we gave each of them a card and made them promise that they would call the number on it (that will hook them up to the referral center at the MTC) and then we asked, "Where are all you girls from? Are you all together?"
They told us that they were from Colorado Springs and they were down for a volleyball tournament. We wished them a good stay in Kansas and then we left Wal-mart as quick as we could! It was very amusing but a little awkward because we had a few people looking at us wondering why we were always surrounded by girls when we were shopping! It was funny.
Well, it looks like I'll be cutting Elder Mosers hair today. Wish me luck....and him!
Well, I better let you go. I love you all. I hope to hear that you had a great week.
Love you
Love Elder Cryer
P.S. By the week just got less hectic because I found out that the team ups in Liberal were canceled. Sweet!
October 4, 2010 e-mail

Dear Family.....
hello again!
Another week has come and gone. Whats this about conference you were saying? General Conference wasn't this week was it? I'm pretty sure it wasn't because we never heard anything about it. Oh.....General Conference! Now I remember! :) Yes...that was awesome! I got a ton of great notes that I need to go back and study! I can't wait until the Ensign comes out as well...I always love going back and reading the talks.
Well...the dinner before the priesthood session was really good. Surprisingly it consisted basically of all meat! I don't think there was a single vegetable there.....except for a few jalapenos! It was way good though. And we had homemade ice cream and brownies and apple crisp. Very delicious.
So after dinner we all went into the chapel to watch conference and they were like "Oh dang it....we forgot to set up the projector!" Imagine that.....they were all so preoccupied with the food that they forgot to get conference ready! (I guess that explains why we were really there!) So we got the sound turned on at least and then we scrambled to get the projector set up. We eventually got it all working but we had to listen to the first ten minutes or so without the picture! It was funny.
We had an investigator at the priesthood session which was good but we haven't had a chance yet to follow up with him. He seemed to enjoy it though.
Sunday conference was good but there was practically no one at the church to watch it. They were all watching it at least that's what we think! The first Sunday session there were 7 of us (including us) and the second session there were only 3 of us (including us!).
Well this week I am going to be very busy! I did a little math and found that over the course of the entire week we will only be working in our area for a grand total of 13.5 hours. For the whole week! Tonight we're going to Liberal to do team ups with the Elders there from Tuesday to Wednesday. Then on Wednesday night we'll travel back and then on Thursday I'll head to Garden City and then off to Colorado Springs and then off to Denver to the temple. Then Thursday evening we'll travel back to Colorado Springs and then stay the night there. On Friday we'll do a few more things in Springs and then we will head back to Garden City for interviews. When interviews are over then we'll finally come back to Ulysses. Ah....if only it were over. But no......then on Saturday we have to go to Garden City again for Stake Conference and then come back to Ulysses after-wards and then go up to Garden again on Sunday for Stake Conference. When Stake Conference ends then we will finally come back to Ulysses to stay. Whew.....are you exhausted yet? Because I am.....and it hasn't even happened yet! :)
I've been thinking about making some oven pancakes for Elder Moser. He has never even heard of them. The problem is that I don't remember exactly how to make them. Do you think you could send me the recipe and instructions? That would be awesome!
So...about the canoe....either way would be fine with me. Just don't get rid of my kayak!
About the debit expires 8/11. So that's like one month before I come home.
I can't believe that you don't have any pictures for me. Boy do I have some for you!
F.'s uncle is a biker and has a motorcycle covered in skulls and stuff and we found his helmet while we were talking to F. and decided to have a little fun! Enjoy!!! Oh, also....Ciara's dogs had puppies....aren't they cute! There are six of them.
Well...Love you guys....Hope you have a less hectic week then me!!! I'll get my letter off to you soon!
Love Elder Cryer.....(A.K.A. Ben)
P.S.....for anyone else who may be reading this ;) I love getting letters!!! :
Elder Benjamin Cryer
4090 Center Park Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80916
(Hmmm....lets see if that does anything for me!!!) :)
Dear Family.....
hello again!
Another week has come and gone. Whats this about conference you were saying? General Conference wasn't this week was it? I'm pretty sure it wasn't because we never heard anything about it. Oh.....General Conference! Now I remember! :) Yes...that was awesome! I got a ton of great notes that I need to go back and study! I can't wait until the Ensign comes out as well...I always love going back and reading the talks.
Well...the dinner before the priesthood session was really good. Surprisingly it consisted basically of all meat! I don't think there was a single vegetable there.....except for a few jalapenos! It was way good though. And we had homemade ice cream and brownies and apple crisp. Very delicious.
So after dinner we all went into the chapel to watch conference and they were like "Oh dang it....we forgot to set up the projector!" Imagine that.....they were all so preoccupied with the food that they forgot to get conference ready! (I guess that explains why we were really there!) So we got the sound turned on at least and then we scrambled to get the projector set up. We eventually got it all working but we had to listen to the first ten minutes or so without the picture! It was funny.
We had an investigator at the priesthood session which was good but we haven't had a chance yet to follow up with him. He seemed to enjoy it though.
Sunday conference was good but there was practically no one at the church to watch it. They were all watching it at least that's what we think! The first Sunday session there were 7 of us (including us) and the second session there were only 3 of us (including us!).
Well this week I am going to be very busy! I did a little math and found that over the course of the entire week we will only be working in our area for a grand total of 13.5 hours. For the whole week! Tonight we're going to Liberal to do team ups with the Elders there from Tuesday to Wednesday. Then on Wednesday night we'll travel back and then on Thursday I'll head to Garden City and then off to Colorado Springs and then off to Denver to the temple. Then Thursday evening we'll travel back to Colorado Springs and then stay the night there. On Friday we'll do a few more things in Springs and then we will head back to Garden City for interviews. When interviews are over then we'll finally come back to Ulysses. Ah....if only it were over. But no......then on Saturday we have to go to Garden City again for Stake Conference and then come back to Ulysses after-wards and then go up to Garden again on Sunday for Stake Conference. When Stake Conference ends then we will finally come back to Ulysses to stay. Whew.....are you exhausted yet? Because I am.....and it hasn't even happened yet! :)
I've been thinking about making some oven pancakes for Elder Moser. He has never even heard of them. The problem is that I don't remember exactly how to make them. Do you think you could send me the recipe and instructions? That would be awesome!
So...about the canoe....either way would be fine with me. Just don't get rid of my kayak!
About the debit expires 8/11. So that's like one month before I come home.
I can't believe that you don't have any pictures for me. Boy do I have some for you!
F.'s uncle is a biker and has a motorcycle covered in skulls and stuff and we found his helmet while we were talking to F. and decided to have a little fun! Enjoy!!! Oh, also....Ciara's dogs had puppies....aren't they cute! There are six of them.
Well...Love you guys....Hope you have a less hectic week then me!!! I'll get my letter off to you soon!
Love Elder Cryer.....(A.K.A. Ben)
P.S.....for anyone else who may be reading this ;) I love getting letters!!! :
Elder Benjamin Cryer
4090 Center Park Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80916
(Hmmm....lets see if that does anything for me!!!) :)
9-28-2010 Letter
Dear Family,
Man, It has been an awesome few weeks. I have had such a sense of urgency. I'm really starting to realize how short a mission is. In my letter for my Temple Jubilee it said to come with a clear idea of my goals for the next year of my mission. As I have been thinking about it I have been thinking that the only way to improve my mission is to improve myself. So, I think that I am going to study and apply a Christ-like attribute every month. There are nine listed in PMG so for the last three months I will re-study and continue to try and apply.
I also want to memorize (and study) at least two key scriptures every month. That would give me 24 key scriptures.
I have also decided to slow down my Book of Mormon reading to once every two months instead of once every 6 weeks. I feel like that will give me more time to really study. I have read it four times since I came out. So by the time I finish I will have read it ten times total on my mission.
The other thing I want to do is what is taught in D&C 11:21. I want to really 'obtain the word'. I am going to study lesson 1 for a month, then lesson 2, then lesson 3, and then 4. Then I will start back at 1. That way I can study each lesson for one month each three times over the course of my remaining twelve months. (Did that make sense?!)
So, that's my game plan. What do you think? Do you have any other ideas?
Thanks for your letter Sam! It was good to hear from you.
Yes! I am doing great! I think that I'm starting to get over the fact that a flippin' chihuahua ate my dinner!
Wow! So...Relief Society President?! How is that going? I bet that's a little stressful! You could always use my game plan...just transfer your records! It sounds like you got some great counselors...and a great secretary (even though I don't know Katie as well as I know the other two).
That is just embarrassing that you got passed by a butterfly! I'm glad it was while you were on your bikes and not in the car. That really would have been something!
There has been a ton of little flying bugs in the air here. It's nasty when we're riding our bikes towards the evening because the air is full of them. We have to brush off our shirts when we get to our destination.
That sounds like quite the all crowded around the sink trying to get the juice can out of the drain! I'm glad that you were finally able to get it out! (Good idea...with the tongs.)
Well, I'm sorry to hear that work is boring. Hopefully it will pick up soon. I guess it's not too bad if you get paid to chat or read though!
Well Emma....I have to agree with Sam. Your cartoons are amazing! I wish that I could watch you draw one because I'm still trying to believe that you are actually drawing those! You picked up on those very quick. I agree with Sam also on her idea that you should start doing a monthly comic strip for the Morning Toast. I think that would be awesome.
So, about the baptism this last Sunday. His name is F.M. He is originally from L.A. but he is here for work. His baptism was so awesome. He had been really concerned about the number of people that were going to be there because he is a little shy. Well, there was a very good turn out. There were about forty people that came. I was the one who got to baptize him. After the baptism, while we were changing, I asked him how he did with that big crowd. He said it was great! It was neat to hear because we had promised him that those shy feelings would go away when he got baptized. His baptism was a very spiritual experience.
Well, today we got our car all washed. It's looking mighty fine. Somehow I ended up washing it all by myself. Elder Moser sorta put himself in charge of working the hose! Oh worked I guess!
So do you remember Kurtis Pugh? He was my very first baptism on my mission. Well, I heard from him the other day. He told me the best thing that I could have dreamed of hearing. He told me that he is getting ready to go on a mission. It just filled me with so much joy and gratitude! He is going to be an amazing missionary! I can't wait to hear where he will get called to.
Well, I guess I'll let you go on that happy note!
I'm glad your all doing good! Thank you all so much for everything you do for me. Both things I see and know about and the things I don't see. It means a lot to me. I love each of you so much!
Love Elder Cryer
Dear Family,
Man, It has been an awesome few weeks. I have had such a sense of urgency. I'm really starting to realize how short a mission is. In my letter for my Temple Jubilee it said to come with a clear idea of my goals for the next year of my mission. As I have been thinking about it I have been thinking that the only way to improve my mission is to improve myself. So, I think that I am going to study and apply a Christ-like attribute every month. There are nine listed in PMG so for the last three months I will re-study and continue to try and apply.
I also want to memorize (and study) at least two key scriptures every month. That would give me 24 key scriptures.
I have also decided to slow down my Book of Mormon reading to once every two months instead of once every 6 weeks. I feel like that will give me more time to really study. I have read it four times since I came out. So by the time I finish I will have read it ten times total on my mission.
The other thing I want to do is what is taught in D&C 11:21. I want to really 'obtain the word'. I am going to study lesson 1 for a month, then lesson 2, then lesson 3, and then 4. Then I will start back at 1. That way I can study each lesson for one month each three times over the course of my remaining twelve months. (Did that make sense?!)
So, that's my game plan. What do you think? Do you have any other ideas?
Thanks for your letter Sam! It was good to hear from you.
Yes! I am doing great! I think that I'm starting to get over the fact that a flippin' chihuahua ate my dinner!
Wow! So...Relief Society President?! How is that going? I bet that's a little stressful! You could always use my game plan...just transfer your records! It sounds like you got some great counselors...and a great secretary (even though I don't know Katie as well as I know the other two).
That is just embarrassing that you got passed by a butterfly! I'm glad it was while you were on your bikes and not in the car. That really would have been something!
There has been a ton of little flying bugs in the air here. It's nasty when we're riding our bikes towards the evening because the air is full of them. We have to brush off our shirts when we get to our destination.
That sounds like quite the all crowded around the sink trying to get the juice can out of the drain! I'm glad that you were finally able to get it out! (Good idea...with the tongs.)
Well, I'm sorry to hear that work is boring. Hopefully it will pick up soon. I guess it's not too bad if you get paid to chat or read though!
Well Emma....I have to agree with Sam. Your cartoons are amazing! I wish that I could watch you draw one because I'm still trying to believe that you are actually drawing those! You picked up on those very quick. I agree with Sam also on her idea that you should start doing a monthly comic strip for the Morning Toast. I think that would be awesome.
So, about the baptism this last Sunday. His name is F.M. He is originally from L.A. but he is here for work. His baptism was so awesome. He had been really concerned about the number of people that were going to be there because he is a little shy. Well, there was a very good turn out. There were about forty people that came. I was the one who got to baptize him. After the baptism, while we were changing, I asked him how he did with that big crowd. He said it was great! It was neat to hear because we had promised him that those shy feelings would go away when he got baptized. His baptism was a very spiritual experience.
Well, today we got our car all washed. It's looking mighty fine. Somehow I ended up washing it all by myself. Elder Moser sorta put himself in charge of working the hose! Oh worked I guess!
So do you remember Kurtis Pugh? He was my very first baptism on my mission. Well, I heard from him the other day. He told me the best thing that I could have dreamed of hearing. He told me that he is getting ready to go on a mission. It just filled me with so much joy and gratitude! He is going to be an amazing missionary! I can't wait to hear where he will get called to.
Well, I guess I'll let you go on that happy note!
I'm glad your all doing good! Thank you all so much for everything you do for me. Both things I see and know about and the things I don't see. It means a lot to me. I love each of you so much!
Love Elder Cryer
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sept 27, 2010 e-mail
Hello once again! I hope this e-mail finds you all happy!!! How are you all doing? Has the rain continued? The weather here is perfect right now! Its sunny, in the high 80's, and a cool breeze. I love it! I wouldn't mind at all if it stayed like this all winter long! It's not too hot and not too cold!
Thanks for the pictures! I think that I'd only seen one of them before...but I don't mind seeing them again! :) Man.....I really can't wait to go to the coast again. It looks so nice and relaxing! I literally have not seen a large body of water (like, even lake status) in over 8 months!!! There is a tiny little pond outside of Ulysses a mile or so that I have been to once but its man-made and not much to speak of. I may be suffering from aquaphobia when I get home!!!
Well I can't believe that I was absent for that Bob and Bill der moment. That does sound very similar to our many "der" moments!!! Hey...we always figured it out.........e....v....e....n....t....u....a....l....l....y! As long as we get paid by the hour we're in good shape!
So you and Sam and Mom went to the Relief Society broadcast? It was good wasn't it. Yes...I was there as well! Don't tell anyone. Can you believe that?! After 20 years I finally got to go to one! No, actually the reason I was there (Along with Elder Moser of course) was because they were doing a dinner at the church for the sisters and they told us to just come eat dinner with them. So I only got to hear the very first talk.
Well, we haven't actually eaten at the Mennonite restaurant yet. We have been there multiple times but they're always closed. Our last attempt we called to see if they were open and they were but they were charging $7.00 for lunch. We decided to pass. I know, I know....we're tight wads. :)
So guess what?!?!?!?!?! I have awesome news! We were blessed with another baptism this Sunday. He was so excited to be baptized. We found him two Mondays ago. He is 20 years old. He loved his baptism and loves the church!
(Pic 1 and 2 are at his baptism)
I also thought you might like to see a picture of my beautiful B-day cake that you sent and I baked! Elder Mosers 20th B-day is Oct 5th and so we decided to just do a joint B-Day! (Hence, both the badges!) It turned out really good! Very tasty!
(Pic 3 is the cake!)
So I guess that I'll be sending home that picture card soon! I thought that was one that I had sent and got back but I guess not! I'll get on that!
Well....I'll give you more info about the baptism and other stuff in my letter but for now I gotta run!
Love you all! Keep being awesome and doing great!
Love Elder Cryer!!!
P.S. I havn't done it yet....but would it be dumb to sell my blue pinstripe suit for $80.00 and put that towards a suit that has longer pants? What are your feelings? I'm not sure if I even want to do it. I'm just thinkin! (I had someone offer.)
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