Tuesday, February 3, 2015


So...I didn't get a picture of any whoppin' huge spider! :/ I am severely disappointed (say it in a Severus Snape type voice). So, this week has been a bit different. I am going to assume that you have received my letter by now about Sister Nelsons foot. It has been two weeks since she hurt it, and on Sunday night in an interview with President Shumway she was told that she would have to go home. We don't know when yet exactly but we know it will be this week. I don't really know what's going to happen to me. I am hoping to be put in a tri companionship with Sister Powell and Sister Smith in Springfield 2nd ward, but we will see. Any way, so that has been interesting and hard. Me and Sister Nelson are at peace with it though. Sister Nelson had felt like she needed to go home and President Shumway told her that he had received that witness from the spirit as well, that it's time for Sister Nelson to go home. So we know this is what Heavenly Father wants to have happen. But dang it I will miss her a lot!!! In the short space of about three months she has become one of my best friends. Well, ok. That's enough about that! I don't want to cast a shadow of gloom over y'all! So lets turn to something lighter. Me and Sister Nelson instructed yesterday in our zone training on having a positive attitude and how it effects your ability to find. It went really good :) We did a little demonstration at the beginning which was pretty awesome. Picture this: two beautiful caramel apples....well, actually we didn't have caramel so we just melted some chocolate chips and then crumbled oreo's and poppin' pebbles on them. But, you get the idea. So, two...chocolate covered apples bespeckled with goodness sitting on the table in front of the missionaries. Two missionaries volunteer (Elder Meyer and Elder Morris). They come up and each one gets an apple. Then they each take a huge bite of their respective bits of sweet on a stick. One of them, Elder Meyer, has a wonderful experience. But the other, Elder Morris, doesn't. He is coughing and sputtering and saying how grose it is! So what was the difference? The difference was, one of the "apples" was an onion! haha! It was the best thing ever. :) (The funny thing is that Elder Morris actually bought the onion for us! He and Elder Rutter had asked if there was anything they could do for us, so we said "well actually yes! We need an onion.") Any way, so we talked about how missionaries can look the same, be doing the same things etc, but the difference of having a good or bad experience is not whats on the outside so to speak, but what's on the inside. Our attitudes about the things that we do and the things that happen to us will drastically change our experience on the mission, and in life for that matter. So, don't be an onion! :) Let's see, what else? ... I actually have no idea! That's sad. Um...yeah. Ok, well... Have an awesome week! I love you all a ton! Be good! Live the gospel! Remember to laugh this week when something upsetting or stressful or stupid happens :) It makes a world of difference :D Love, Sister Cryer

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