Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hello everyone! I don't have a whole ton of time, I have to go to gym soon, but I just wanted to drop a line and tell you that I have arrived safe and sound at the MTC. I am SOOOOOO busy all of the time and I am learning so much. I feel like I'm drinking from a fire hose! I love it though. I love the work and I love being a missionary. I love you all so much! I have missed you all so much, but not in a bad way. I have been too busy and learning too much and serving others too much to think about being home sick. I put on P-day clothes today to do a service project and it feels so weird. I haven't been here very long but it seems like forever. Every night when I start thinking about what happened that day, stuff that happened in the morning feels like it happened about a week ago. Haha! I am having a great time though. Me and my comp Sister Bailey have been getting along great. She is struggling with some home sickness though so I have been doing my best to help her with that. It's hard though. We have our first investigator, kind of. It's our teacher doing role play, but he is so good at it! It feels like we are teaching someone else. It's so cool. Any way, we have taught him one lesson, and invited him to be baptized. Have I mentioned that I love being a missionary!? OK, I probably should head out now. I think my comp is almost done writing her letters. Sorry this is so short. I am so behind on all my writing. There is just not enough time in the day! The gospel is true! Prayer works! God loves you! Love you all! I hope everything is going good! Love, Sister Cryer

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