Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Dear Family, So we had another zone outing today. Super fun! We played a game called quad ball. You play with a volley ball on a basket ball court and basically you score a point by either shooting a hoop, scoring a goal, getting a touch down or knocking down one of the opposing teams chairs in the corner. You can only throw or kick the ball, and you can't move when you have the ball. It's super fun actually, even though I was absolutely no good at it! I did help to score a couple of points. :) We carved pumpkins too! It was SO FUN! Me and Sister Reese were very matchy in our Nothum shirts and matching hats that Brother Bird gave us. We get to keep those hats! We were sitting on the swing and the sun was in our eyes and the next thing I knew Brother Bird was offering us a handful of hats and told us to choose whichever one we wanted and we could keep it. SWEET! So that's what we've been up to today. The week has been pretty good. Our teaching pool is so small right now. We only have two investigators! But it's ok. There is so much potential in the area, we just have to keep working and be patient. I am studying patience right now! haha Yesterday was awesome! Me and Sister Reese were a bit stressed about our teaching pool so we decided to fast and we saw so many miracles! We had a goal of 6 lessons and 2 new investigators. And guess what????? We got our 6 lessons (the exact goal too; 4 member present and 2 other) and we got one new investigator. We tried SO hard to get a seconed investigator but it just wasn't meant to be I guess. It was still really good though, and even though we only got one new investigator, because we were working so hard to get another one we were able to set up three appointments with potential investigators for this week. I will just tell you some of the miracles that made yesterday so good :) So, we got our first lesson right after church with Zach. He has recently broken up with his girlfriend and so he wanted to stay busy. He asked me what he could do and I said, "How about a lesson?" because we need lessons! I didn't say that part, but that's what I was thinking! So that was great. Then Whitney sat in for his lesson and invited Sister Reese and I over for dinner. She had invited Helena and Laura as well, so we could share a message and BOOM! That was another lesson! Before going to Whitneys house though we went over to 'The House' and taught Jessyca's friend, Antwon. NEW INVESTIGATOR. Then we headed over to Whitneys house. Dinner wasn't quite ready yet so we decided to go out and do some tracting and OTMing in the mean time. We walked outside and I saw a guy across the road. I yelled 'Hi!" across the road and waved. He looked at me like, "Do I know you? I don't think so." It was really funny, but we were able to get across the road and have a lesson with him! Woohoo! Ten we did some tracting in an apartment complex. Only one person opened their door of the eight that we had time to knock on, but she was awesome! She actually let us in and we were able to talk to her and have a lesson. Not a new investigator, but we set up a time to meet with her again and she seemed really interested! Went back and had dinner. Shared a message/had a lesson with Laura and then tried to go visit a lady named Rose. She has a non member room mate that we wanted to talk to but...she didn't want to talk to us. So that didn't work out so well. NO! What were we supposed to do now? That was our last lesson and new investigator! We said a prayer and then made some calls. Sister Reese made me call because she says I am better at it, I guess because I sound happy and excited. Any way, we were able to get a hold of two potentials, one of which we have been trying to get a hold of for forever! and set up appointments for this week! Whoohoo! No new investigator yet though, and we still needed one more lesson. We headed back to our apartment and talked to the girl that lives below us. I have been wanting to talk to her for a while, so we finally did! We gave her a book of Mormon and had a short lesson with her, but no luck on the new investigator front. We had a few more minutes until 9 so we walked over to see a memeber, Christine, and follow up with her about her room mates. She had said that they might be interested. We got to talk to her, but no luck on the room mates. Ok fine. We admitted defeat on our second investigator, and I was a little discouraged for a minute, but then as I looked back at the day and saw all those wonderful things that happened and all the things we have set up for this week, I couldn't help but see how Heavenly Father had blessed us. It was such a great day! When we do our part (and we did! We worked so hard!) Heavenly Father blesses us. So, a bit of a side note here. Flippin' everyone in the YSA ward is getting married it seems like. What's up with that?! I mean, I know that's the point and everything, but seriously! Ok, so you know Laura? We were teaching her English. She is going back to Colombia! NOOOO!!!! We are going to miss her so much, and it's so sad because she doesn't want to go back. That's the hardest part is she is not happy about it. She want's to stay. But any way, she is going back for an interview to try and get into a really good teaching position I guess. We will miss her. I am disappointed because our last lesson with her is on Tuesday and I will be on exchanges! She is leaving on Wednesday. I will have to see if I can get a picture with her today. We got to do service on Saturday :) That was really fun. It was at a place called Habitat for Humanity (we got lost on the way there. Just sayin'). Basically people just donate things like tools, furniture, light fixtures, paint, gardening tools etc. to this place and they re-sell them. They also had this ancient bible in a glass case. It looked like it could have been the original that Nephi took from Laban. Hmm. I guess they probably wouldn't have been paper though. It was really old looking though. Anyway, our job was to open all the paint cans and put a dab of paint on top of the lids so people could see what color was in the can. I was paint dabber. It was some good times. I love giving service! So, I found a really cool scripture today in 2 Corinthians ...4 I think. It talks about how representatives of Jesus Christ need to act in certain ways and it pretty much lays out what we should be doing as missionaries and members of the church in order to set a good example for those around us and to teach the gospel effectively. It's good stuff. I'm trying to think if there is anything else I can tell you right now. The week has been kind of slow just because our teaching pool is so low. Sunday was pretty much the only exciting day! Haha! We have been visiting a lot of less actives. (Can I just say, I am really learning the importance of home and visiting teaching?) Well, I ran out of time! Love you all! have a wonderful week :) Love, Sister Cryer (email dated October 20, 2014)

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