Well howdy do!
Hmmm. I'll warn you in advance that this may be a shorter letter. I don't think I've got much news for you this week. I told you about our new investigator. I told you about our car getting stuck. I told you about all the sandwiches I've eaten. I told you I'm staying in Calhan until at least May 5th. I've just told you everything!
I did get a letter from Elder Downs, now Drew Downs, (my 2nd companion) on Saturday. It was good to hear from him. It sounds like he's doing really well and staying busy. He said his whole family loves me and wants me to visit when my mission is complete. I don't really know how they love me when they haven't even met me but hey, sweet! It's all good with me! From what Drew told me though I think I'd love their family! They seem super cool.
Wow dad, a nine mile walk! Are you practicing to be a missionary again?! You know how I never liked walking...well I'm learning to like it! ha ha I get to do it a LOT!
Well mom, you asked if I was learning a lot from Elder Torres. I am definately learning alot. He's the hardest companion I've had so far. He is a perfectionist....and I am not!...So one of the biggest things I've learned is how to forget myself, forget what I want, forget how I want things done, and follow my leader. He's also taught me alot about being bold and telling people how it is (with love). And he's taught me alot about the scriptures. So it's been a little difficult serving with him but really good. There's something we can learn from everyone. We are working hard as well. Your right...missions ain't for whimps! I am learning how to work hard...even when I'm tired. Which is all the time!
It sounds like that was a really good fireside that you went to. I liked how he talked about choosing your team and sticking to it. It seems like too many people are trying to choose the best of both worlds nowadays, which just doesn't work. You have to choose, it's so true. I liked the character test too. Also that quote by Orsen F. Whitney. I feel that a ton on my mission. Like I've known people forever that I only just met. It's a weird feeling to meet someone for the first time and feel like you know them already. But I've had it happen with members, ivestigators and missionaries. It's neat. And the same is true about people when they hear the gospel. I've had lots of people say that it sounds right, or familiar. That's because it is! We all accepted the gospel at one point....that's why we're here. It's not so much about learning to live the gospel because we've already learned. We just have to remember how to live it.
Well, today we've got a bunch of tracting planned and a few lessons to teach. Should be a good day. We have interviews this week too. Those should be good. They're on Thursday.
Well, I hope your week is going great. Mine is! (I think,...it hasn't quite happened yet!)
I love you guys!
Love Ben
P.S. I have a few funny stories to tell you. Just a sneak preview....bikes flying off cars at 65 MPH, a really funny door we tracted into, and vicious attack Pitt Bulls! (Dont worry....no one was harmed in any of these occasions!) But anyways...those will be in my next letter to you!
P.S.S. Thats is really funny dad that your companion got your car stuck in a ditch too! You were right he was trying to dig our car out with the ice scraper....which ended up breaking by the way...apparently it wasn't designed to dig cars out of ditches full of snow!
P.S.S.S. Wasn't conference awesome! There was a HUGE focus on the family and the learning and teaching that goes on in the home. It made me grateful as I listened as I recognized how awesome my parents and sisters are! I was like...hey we do that...hey mom did that...I remember dad doing that.....my sisters already do that....etc. I am so grateful that I have an AWESOME family!
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