Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 17, 2011 Letter
Dear Family,
It rained today! It's been a while since I've seen that. It's crazy because everytime people pray for 'the needed moisture for their crops' it comes. It's amazing how quick it seems God answers that request. And as soon as he does they give thanks. It's been really interesting to see that.
Well, mail comes in about an hour so I'll see if I have any more letters to reply to but in the meantime I have two letters from Emma.
It sounds like you had a great time on New Years Eve! I always loved that, getting together with all my friends and eating breakfast at midnight and playing games. So I keep getting the feeling that you hate the dances. Why do you even go? (Stop, reverse that!) You must love dancing. You talk about it in almost every letter! (I'm not complaining, I'm just saying you must love it!)
So, dad, I heard you were privilaged enough to witness this dancing sensation in action. Is she as crazy as I've been hearing?
So, Emma you got your hair cut short as well? What is this with you and Sam getting short hair? I'll need to see this.
So have you been enjoying teaching piano (or at least helping with it)? How much do you have saved so far? Are you planning on going over before or after grandad comes over? I really enjoyed the story about the garbage in Kay's front yard. You figured out what lots of people just don't seem to get. Application of knowledge. That's what wisdom is. When we learn how to appropriately apply what we've learned. I bet you felt great after you did that too! It's crazy how enjoyable unenjoyable things can be when we do them for the right reason, with the right attitude. Thanks for sharing that with me.
Well, my other camera card is full so as soon as I get my other one back you'll have more pics to look forward to!
Not much else at the moment. I'll keep you updated as the potentials that we have become new investigators.
Take care! Love ya all.
Love Elder Cryer

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