December 13, 2010 e-mail
So I had two emails to read today because I didn't get last weeks last week!
I think that they may transfer my records. Ulysses does feel like home now! When I get transferred (which will probably happen at some time!) it will feel like leaving on my mission all over again! I don't exactly know why president left me here but I'm sure glad that he did. I hope that I am doing everything that he wants me to do...but more importantly what the Lord wants me to be doing. I feel like I'm working hard though...I really do.
So, I'm trying to en-vision your birthday with a Christmas tree dad! That is SO not right! But man, you must be loved since you still got presents even though you're going to be getting an i-pad. What book did Sam get you? Let me guess....some sort of history related book? Was I right!!!!???!!!!! And...would I be jealous of this tie from Emma? ;)
(By the, I do not like carrot cake. I am so sorry that you had to eat that.)
Good ole' Christmas lights!!! I think I told you that I had to put some of those up too!!! You didn't have too much fun did you? That stinks that most of them didn't work. (I assume you checked that before you put them up?......I hope!) Oh, and I don't mind at all that you sold all my guitars and my computer. That doesn't bother me in the least...NOT!!! I would probably die if I came home and found my guitars missing!!! :)
I have not seen the Christmas devotional. I suppose I will get to at some point though. I would love to see it. Do you know if they're broadcasting the Mo-Tab Christmas concert with David Archuletta? We were thinking that would be a great tool for getting people to church.
Wow...I can't believe that you all found a tree that you liked in two minutes! (Does that mean that I was the one that always caused the problem? Hmmm.....)
That is way crazy about that hail storm! I thought I was the one who was supposed to be having the crazy hail storms?! And only over our house? That's so weird!!! I bet it was LOUD! I bet it was cool to watch...once you were out of it! How long did it last? We haven't had any crazy weather lately. We haven't even had snow!!! Whats up with that!? It must have been pretty intense to knock off Christmas lights..and knock out!
I'm glad to hear that Chris is doing well. I am praying for her quick and complete recovery. :) I am terribly sorry though to hear about your disappointing experience with the "Burger". Veggi burgers are nasty!
That's too bad that they didn't have the choir that ruined Christmas! That's what MADE Christmas!!! :) And I don't think that any two people will ever be able to make two harmonicas sound as close to one as we did! That was so funny!!!
Well tell President McDonald, Brother Seamans, President Peterson, and Sister Skeen thanks for asking about me. Tell them I'm doing great and LOVING my mission! (Even though that's probably what you already told them!!!) How much longer does President McDonald have? Will he still be Mission president when I get back?
Oh, to answer Santa's question. Probably just have him send the package to the apartment. If it goes to the mission office there is no knowing when I'll see it....if ever. (You gotta watch those AP's!)
Also, that its cold could you send some more pretzels?! Since I'm still here I want to give some to Brother Daniels. He has been waiting so long! He wants vanilla he said. Could you also send a few milk and a few dark though! :) By the is the business doing?
Well.....I better get running.
Enjoy the pics!!! Love you all a ton!
Love Elder Cryer
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